Our current knowledge of the muscle regeneration process was founded on the rich descriptions of histological features of normal or pathological muscle repair under various conditions reported by many investigators, typically using mammalian models (e.g., Le Gros Clark and Blomfield1945; Murray and Kod...
researchers found that the formation of the intestinal microvascular network in adult germ-free mice was inhibited (Table1). This developmental defect can be reversed by colonization with a complete microbiota or the single speciesBacteroides thetaiotaomicron(B...
In the circulation, the triglycerides in these particles are hydrolyzed by lipoprotein lipase (LPL), an enzyme found on the endothelial surfaces of capillaries, especially in adipose tissue, the heart, and skeletal muscle, resulting in the formation of chylomicron remnants. Relatively enriched in ...
They are found in the head, ribs, and limb girdles (e.g., pelvis, scapula), where they provide protection for the internal structures. Irregular bones are more complex in shape and do not fit into the other classifications. These include the vertebrae, many of the bones in the skull, ...
- tissues that regenerate poorly: skeletal muscle- tissues that are replaced largely with scar tissue: cardiac muscle, nervous tissue- within the brain and spinal cord Hypertrophic scarring: scars above the surface, within the limits Keloid scarring: scar tissue above and beyond borders of the ...
More than three decades ago, basement membranes (BMs) were described as membrane-like structures capable of isolating a cell from and connecting a cell to its environment. Since this time, it has been revealed that BMs are specialized extracellular matrices (sECMs) with unique components that sup...
Clinical features The clinical presentation depends on inflammatory activity, location, and the structures that communicate with the vagina through the fistulous tract. Vesicovaginal, rectovaginal, enterovaginal, and colovaginal fistulas are commonly found. Key points A thin-slice (fat-saturated) T1W ...
We examined the distribution of the 2462 differentially methylated CpGs within the genome and in relation to CpG island features. We found that osteoblastogenesis-dependent methylation remodelling was significantly associated with “open sea regions”. In contrast, methylation remodelling was less frequent...
Following I/R injury, oxidative stress leads to ROS accumulation high concentration in renal tubules which have a greater number of mitochondria compared to other structures within the kidney. Excessive amounts of ROS can result in the fragmentation and disturbance of mitochondria in renal cells that...
(Bcl-2), thereby aiding in the development of vascular and lymphatic structures [261,262,263,264,265,266].H. pyloriinfection has the potential to impede angiogenesis, resulting in a protracted healing process of peptic ulcers [267]. However, another study indicates thatH. pyloriinfection ...