081 Creating a key schedule - 大小:31m 目录:Lynda – Revit 2017 -- Essential Training for Architecture (Metric) 资源数量:103,其他后期软件教程_其他,Lynda – Revit 2017 -- Essential Training for Architecture (Metric)/001 Welcome,Lynda – Revit 2017 -- Es
“We saved almost 30-40% of our time. It would be impossible to have met the challenging schedule without the BIM workflow. It resulted in 20% cost savings for us and much more for the owners as we could optimize the design.”
Once defined, key values update component schedules automatically when you change a key schedule value. Create a schedule for the appropriate element (such as a room schedule). Include in the scheduled fields the key name you created. For example, if you created a key name called Room ...
(1) 在Revit系统开发包中, 二次开发为用户准备了Revit SDK API函数, 并随Revit系统版本升级, 其API功能不断完善、加强。 (2) 用好API函数, 可改善Revit系统软件本身存在的不足。例如, Revit系统软件在人机交互方面, 特别是在空间定位人机交互方面比较薄弱, 导致无法通过输入三维坐标点方式插入族构件或生成实例, ...
2) revit导入广联达。将已建立完成的Revit模型直接导入广联达BIM图形算量软件中, 如图5所示, 打通主流设计软件与主流工程量计算软件的数据交互, 直接将revit设计模型导入算量软件, 免去造价人员重复建模。 将已建立完成的3D-BIM模型与project软件制定的时间进度计划相关联, 赋予BIM模型每根构件时间参数信息, 形成4D-BIM...
“We saved almost 30-40% of our time. It would be impossible to have met the challenging schedule without the BIM workflow. It resulted in 20% cost savings for us and much more for the owners as we could optimize the design.”
“We saved almost 30-40% of our time. It would be impossible to have met the challenging schedule without the BIM workflow. It resulted in 20% cost savings for us and much more for the owners as we could optimize the design.”
“We saved almost 30-40% of our time. It would be impossible to have met the challenging schedule without the BIM workflow. It resulted in 20% cost savings for us and much more for the owners as we could optimize the design.”
“We saved almost 30-40% of our time. It would be impossible to have met the challenging schedule without the BIM workflow. It resulted in 20% cost savings for us and much more for the owners as we could optimize the design.”
“We saved almost 30-40% of our time. It would be impossible to have met the challenging schedule without the BIM workflow. It resulted in 20% cost savings for us and much more for the owners as we could optimize the design.”