Systematic evaluation of indicator sets for farming system diagnosis and design. Indicators of farming system performance are pertinent for the diagnosis of the sustainability of farming systems and to evaluate alternative options in a ... GC Pacini,JCJ Groot,F Bacigalupe,... - Building Sustainable...
A subset of these data was subsequently analysed in a study to assess the feasibility of using a lamb's early-life liveweight as a predictor of carcass quality [1]. The data also have the potential to offer insight into key performance indicators (KPIs) for the sheep industry, or what ...
Supply chain practices, supply chain performance indicators and competitive advantage of Australian beef enterprises: A conceptual study. Australian Agriculture and Resource Economic Society (AARES 1st Conference). Kale, J.R. & Meneghetti, C. (2014). Supplier/customer considerations in corporate ...
That was the take-home message from therecent NFU Future of Livestock Farming Event at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire, where the next generation of producers gathered to hear how their business could be best shaped for the future. "There is no bigger opportunity than what is in front of you ...
the three initiatives already developed common key performance indicators for the strategic challenges. A priority topic is also the due diligence of human rights in the cocoa supply chain. The three European initiatives will discuss strategies and impacting measures in a ...
Efficient reproductive traits are pivotal for the success of Hanwoo cattle farming and influence genetic improvement, economic viability, and overall herd productivity. The optimal performance of traits, such as age at first calving, calving interval, gestation length, and number of artificial inseminati...
the measure used may not represent industrial farming, or any changes may have occurred slowly resulting in less negative impact (Riechers et al.2020). Small scale, more organic cultivation could use a similar, or indeed larger amount of land, as more is required for similar returns. Such org...
Cotton Farming in the US:Heavily reliant on exporting goods, this sector is vulnerable to global fluctuations, including weather changes and international policy shifts. Telecommunications Network Manufacturing in the US:Increased competition from international providers offering lower prices poses a significan...
Models of economic growth: Harrod-Domar, Solow, Robinson, Kaldor, technical progress-disembodied and embodied; endogenous growth, indicators of economic development: PQLI, HDI, SDGS, poverty and inequalities-concepts and measurement Social sector development: health, education, gender Economics: Unit 09...
aspects such as sustainability in manufacturing [131,134], urbanization and city planning [175], and smart and sustainable farming [11]. However, no research on the overall landscape of AI and sustainability research is currently available. A topic modeling and text analysis approach is used to ...