There are a number of passages that reference the mechanisms, such as the book of Isaiah chapter xxii, verse 22: "And the key of the house of David will I lay on his shoulder". Also in the Book of Nehemiah, chapter 3, it is stated that when repairing the old gates of the City ...
as well as forgiving and merciful, Jesus and the apostolic writers present God as preeminently the God of love. To St Paul’s mind, in any case, divine wrath is always directed toward non-believers, those who have heard the gospel message and have rejected it. For the apostle, “divine ...
The book of Matthew has been designed with an introduction and a conclusion that act as a frame around five clear sections in the center. Each of those sections concludes with a long block of Jesus’ teaching. The Big Idea Jesus’ last words to his disciples are “I will be with you.”...
In my view the concentric structure of the different passages or sections is an argument for the original unity of the Isaiah Apocalypse. This should really provide the basis for an interpretation of the crux interpretum Isa 26,19 in the light of its overall context. While especially the ...