Among them, eight key metabolites (theacrine, 2,4-dimethyl-1H-indole, EGCG, dihydrokaempferol, panasenoside, 3-cresotinic acid, 3-methylglutaconic acid, and L-histidine) were more abundant in Kucha than in the controls, most of which were positively correlated with bitterness. Furthermore, ...
Metabolomic analysis reveals key metabolites related to the rapid adaptation of Saccharomyce cerevisiae to multiple inhibitors of furfural, acetic acid, an... Metabolomic analysis reveals key metabolites related to the rapid adaptation of Saccharomyce cerevisiae to multiple inhibitors of furfural, ...
Dto prospectively evaluate the predictability of these PLS-DA models. Additionally, to explore the changes in these markers of liver fibrosis at different evolutionary stages, we compared the concentrations of these metabolites in the model group at other time points (weeks 2, 4, and 6). The...
Metabolic profiling of THP-1-derived macrophages by 1H NMR spectroscopy allowed the identification of 45 intracellular metabolites, comprising sugars, organic acids, amino acids, nucleotides, osmolytes, antioxidant metabolites and membrane-related compounds (Fig. 1B and Supporting Information Fig. S4 and...
Therefore, 4-hydroxycinnamic acid and ferulic acid were considered as key metabolites for rice drought-tolerance. DEGs involved in pathways of these metabolites are expected to be good candidate genes to improve drought-tolerance. In conclusion, well-maintained photosynthesis under drought should ...
Furthermore, we identified skimmin, N ′,N ″-diferuloylspermidine, and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid as the key quality-related metabolites related to grain quality traits in sweet corn. The results suggested variations of metabolic composition among the three cultivars, providing the reference ...
Our previous study has found that foliage applied GABA could significantly enhance drought tolerance of creeping bentgrass associated with elevated accumulation of amino acids and secondary metabolites based on metabolomics analysis (Li et al., 2016a). However, it is still far from better understanding...
2006). The plant in vitro cultures are of interest for the production of secondary metabolites of commercial interest (Loyola-Vargas and Ochoa-Alejo 2018). Plants obtained via PTC were used in genetic studies to generate mapping population for dissection of QTLs linked to agronomic traits (Tyrka...
In this work, a comprehensive profiling of extracellular metabolites coupled with an analysis of intracellular label distributions after 1-13C-pyruvate supplementation were used to trace metabolic rearrangements in different scenarios of asparagine and serine availability. The absence of asparagine in the ...
The transmission of T-2 toxin and its metabolites into the edible tissues of poultry has potential effects on human health. We report that T-2 toxin significantly induces CYP1A4 and CYP1A5 expression in chicken embryonic hepatocyte cells. The enzyme activity assays of CYP1A4 and CYP1A5 hetero...