psycopg2.IntegrityError:duplicate key value violates unique constraint "product_category_pkey" DETAIL Key(id)=(19) already exists. 原因分析: 违反主键唯一约束,说明在安装该新模块的时候,需要往相应表里创建新数据,插入数据时,相关表的id出现冲突,提示已经id已经存在,这里的表是“商品类目:product_category”表,...
DETAIL Key(id)=(19) already exists. 1. 2. 原因分析: 违反主键唯一约束,说明在安装该新模块的时候,需要往相应表里创建新数据,插入数据时,相关表的id出现冲突,提示已经id已经存在,这里的表是“商品类目:product_category”表,而表的ID是自动增长的,表里边已经存在手动导入的1万多条数据,那为什么id还是19或者1...
ERROR Unable to initialize a connection to KES as specified by the shell environment: key already exists The problem is the following code in thecommon-main.gofile: defaultKeyID := env.Get(config.EnvKESKeyName, "") KMS, err := kms.NewWithConfig(kms.Config{ ...
The error message makes it clear that the key ID wasreusedwith a different key: message: "One time key signed_curve25519:AAAAAAAAAEQ already exists. Old key: { \"key\":\"UOPTwvyF3/Kcsh3ToGBCCa/PXIO/42U3VN0fvpfceGI\", \"signatures\":{ \"\":{ \"ed25519:GJD...
az keyvault key create [--curve {P-256, P-256K, P-384, P-521}] [--default-cvm-policy] [--disabled {false, true}] [--expires] [--exportable {false, true}] [--hsm-name] [--id] [--immutable {false, true}] [--kty {EC, EC-HSM, RSA, RSA-HSM, oct, oct-HSM}] [--...
Detail: Key ("ID")=(15) already exists. at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse( at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults( at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutor...
Use the regenerate keyword to generate a new key for the certificate even if a named key already exists. Note If the key pair being rolled over is exportable, the new key pair will also be exportable. The following comment will appear in the trustpoint configuration to indic...
端口占用问题 Address already in use: bind 2019-12-05 22:33 −解决方法 方法一:换一个端口 若仍然想要使用该端口,则可以将占用该端口的进程杀死即可。 方法二:杀死占用该端口的进程 若仍然想要使用该端口,则可以将占用该端口的进程杀死即可 查找端口被占用的进程id netstat -nao |... All Implemented Interfaces: Serializable @Generated(value="com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") public classPublicKeyAlreadyExistsExceptionextendsAmazonCloudFrontException The specified public key already exists....
Or, if a compound multikey index already exists, you cannot insert a document that would violate this restriction. Consider a collection that contains the following documents: { _id: 1, a: [1, 2], b: 1, category: "A array" } { _id: 2, a: 1, b: [1, 2], category: "B arra...