Research Methodology - Key Concepts of the Scientific MethodResearch Methodology - Key Concepts of the Scientific MethodConcepts, K E YThe, O FMethod, ScientificBlakstad, O., 2008, Research methodology: Key concepts of the scientific method, viewed 07 September 2012, from http://www.experiment-...
Key Steps to a Scientific MethodThis activity allows students to explore the relative nature of science and discover key steps employed when solving complex problems or conducting scientific investigations.doi:10.1007/978-94-6300-612-5_3Amber Poponak...
This article addresses some of the key elements that are essential to the validation of macromolecular therapeutics using ligand binding assays. Because of the nature of ligand binding assays, attempts have been made within the scientific community to use statistical approaches to interpret the ...
(Figure 2). DNA may also be sequenced for epigenetic studies—e.g., methylation analysis (also known asbisulfite sequencing or Bis-Seq) and DNA–protein interaction sequencing (commonly known as ChIP-Seq), which are not cover...
Theoretical Mechanism, Constraints, and Policy Suggestions for the Multiplication Effect of Data Elements 【摘要】近年来,数据要素已快速融入生产、分配、流通、消费和社会服务管理等各环节,逐渐成为数字时代的基础性资源、重要生产力和关键生产要素。构建以数据为关键要素的数字经济,充分发挥数据要素的放大、叠加和倍增...
Quantifying the use of bioresources for promoting their sharing in scientific research An increasing portion of biomedical research relies on the use of biobanks and databases. Sharing of such resources is essential for optimizing knowledge p......
and \(\,{{\mbox{Tr}}}\,\left[\overrightarrow{{{\Gamma }}}{\hat{\psi }}_{PQ}\right]\) is shorthand for the vector of the traces with the individual elements of \(\overrightarrow{{{\Gamma }}}\). We can now directly apply the method from Methods Subsection “Deriving collective...
To comprehensively analyse the correlation between public opinion subjects and quantitatively depict the topological relationships of various dimensions of public opinion elements, based on the theory of supernetwork, this study structured the complex and unstructured node influence problem. We construct a ...
{X} Set of elements of type X, each element i represented as X{i} #X Number of elements that compose the set X V(i:j:k) Vector derived from a vector V, corresponding to a subset of its elements, [V(i),V(i+j),V(i+2·j),…,V(k)] M(:) Vector derived from a matrix ...
The present research was conducted within the Helmholtz “Energy System 2050” initiative, which explores the integration of technological key elements into the energy system and develops solutions to integrate the fluctuating renewable energies such as wind or solar power successfully into German and Eur...