警告:此类的序列化对象与以后的Swing版本不兼容。当前的序列化支持适用于运行相同版本Swing的应用程序之间的短期存储或RMI。从1.4开始,java.beans软件包中添加了对所有JavaBeansjava.beans长期存储的支持。请参阅XMLEncoder。 另请参见: Serialized Form 构造方法摘要 ...
The keyboard code for the ; or : key. letGCKeyQuote:String The keyboard code for the ’ or “ key. letGCKeyGraveAccentAndTilde:String The keyboard code for the Grave Accent or Tilde key. letGCKeyComma:String The keyboard code for the Comma or < key. ...
The keyboard code for the \ or | key. let GCKeyNonUSPound: String The keyboard code for the non-US Pound or _ key. let GCKeySemicolon: String The keyboard code for the ; or : key. let GCKeyQuote: String The keyboard code for the ‘ or “ key. let GCKeyGraveAccentAndTilde: Str...
OemTilde 146 The OEM Tilde key. AbntC1 147 The ABNT_C1 (Brazilian) key. AbntC2 148 The ABNT_C2 (Brazilian) key. Oem4 149 The OEM 4 key. OemOpenBrackets 149 The OEM Open Brackets key. Oem5 150 The OEM 5 key. OemPipe 150 The OEM Pipe key. Oem6 151 The OEM 6 key. OemClose...
LEFTSHIFT + ESC = GRAVE // GRAVE is backtick/tilde key. LEFTSHIFT + * = * // Snap tap - pressing A will release D first, and vice versa. ^D = ~A ^D ^A = ~D ^A DELETE + END = VOLUMEUP DELETE + nothing = DELETE // Do a DELETE if no other key is pressed. ...
For example, the top-left key (under Esc) on a US keyboard has code 41 according to showkey and us.kmap.gz has this line: keycode 41 = grave asciitilde So key("grave") can be used to refer to this key. In a lua shell cd ~/.local/share/hawck/scripts/ ; lua -l init -i,...
ALT Codes for Foreign Language Letters with Accents Characters with grave, acute, circumflex, tilde, umlaut, caron ALT Codes - Alt Codes for Instant Messaging (IM) and Chat Heart Alt Code, Smiley face alt code, male and female symbols etc. ...
If you were looking for an alternative to write the ugly -1 check, you prepend a ~ tilde instead. 如果您正在寻找一种替代方法来编写丑陋的-1检查,那么您应该在~ tilde之前。 if (~haystack.indexOf('needle')) alert('found'); 1. Joe Zimmerman ...
GDK_KEY_dead_belowtilde (0xFE6A) ̰ GDK_KEY_dead_belowbreve (0xFE6B) ̮ GDK_KEY_dead_belowdiaeresis (0xFE6C) ̤ GDK_KEY_dead_invertedbreve (0xFE6D) ̯ GDK_KEY_dead_belowcomma (0xFE6E) ̦ GDK_KEY_dead_currency (0xFE6F) GDK_KEY_dead_a (0xFE80) GDK_KEY_dead...
static int VK_DEAD_TILDE static int VK_DEAD_VOICED_SOUND static int VK_DECIMAL static int VK_DELETE static int VK_DIVIDE static int VK_DOLLAR Constant for the "$" key. static int VK_DOWN Constant for the non-numpad down arrow key. static int VK_E static int VK_END stat...