Main types of qualitative data Categorical data As briefly mentioned above, some data types refer to the same information. In statistics, qualitative data is the same as categorical data. This is because this information can be easily categorized based on properties or certain characteristics. The ...
This chapter introduces a number of fundamental distinctions underpinned by a body of qualitative research. Most basically it distinguishes risk-taking rationales, agency, and dimensions. These differ systematically when people take risks as an end it itself, as a means to an end or as a response...
To obtain information-rich cases, key informants were sampled, purposefully guided by the following five criteria: (a) having more than five years’ experience of working at a school for learners with intellectual disabilities; (b) being a non-academic staff member; (c) having being a recipien...
5 Key Characteristics of Thick Description Ponterotto (2006) outlines 5 characteristics that make up a thick description. Note that I have not used his exact headings here. I find my headings to be simpler for the average reader to understand: 1. Interpretation in Context A thin description la...
Development and application of 3D pool-type sodium cooled fast reactor system analysis program One of the key points of the transient analysis in pool-type SFR is refined analysis of the transient thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the 3D sodium ... P Du,Q Xiong,J Shan,... - 《Progress ...
Can you give an example of something that is ‘real’ and something that is not? What are some characteristics of the phenomena you wish to investigate? Do you know of or can you imagine other possible answers to these questions among your research group? Epistemology: How is it possible ...
Research on the Path of Data Factor Promoting High-Quality Economic Development— An Analysis Based on the Perspective of New Production Factor Characteristics 【摘要】数据要素的非竞争性、部分可排他性、协同性、规模报酬递增性、外部性等特征使其促进经济增长的方式不同于传统要素。本文通过提炼数据要素的新...
•Understand the research and development trends of enterprise management 深入了解中国经济改革历程与企业发展特征,培养具有国际视野、了解当代中国的政治、经济与文化、能够参与并促进中国与其所在国之间的友好交流与合作的学生 Deeply ...
Quantitative research was conducted to identify the characteristics of the insured with poor PCBMI and determine the influence factors, and qualitative research was conducted to explore the key problems of poor PCBMI from the perspective of the insured. According to the research results, the study ...
Secondly, research has been conducted on key figure classification and attribute characteristics. Based on the characteristics of the public opinion network structure and the network influence of nodes, this study divides key figures in public opinion into three categories: opinion leaders, focus figures...