Conversely, landscape-modification effects on grassland/farmland bird communities are less studied in the South American temperate grasslands. We investigated how bird communities were influenced by landscape characteristics in the Rolling Pampa (Argentina). We sampled bird communities in 356 landscapes of ...
The impact of large herbivores on woodland–grassland dynamics in fragmented landscapes: The role of spatial configuration and disturbance The vegetation structure of natural ecosystems is usually considered independent of their size and their location in the landscape. In this study, we exami... P ...
OTUs abundance was estimated as the median of the number of sequences retrieved from the different samples. In addition, 16 plots with a low number of sequences were removed by using the breaking point of a piecewise linear model on the sorted log of the number...
However, understanding the large-scale potential impacts of beaver ecosystem engineering is limited by a lack of spatially explicit information. For example, Thompson et al. (2021) estimated the total benefit of beaver modifications to riparian landscapes at scale via an assessment of related ...
In previous studies, key factors affecting river water quality have been identified, such as land use or land cover [26,29,42], urbanization [6,43,44], catchment characteristics [31,45], climate conditions, and atmospheric deposition [10,17,46]. However, there is no study on the overview...
We know little, however, about the country characteristics that might be good predictors of whether states will choose to protect land or not. What factors within a state need to be the focus of global attention or need to be encouraged to promote land-protection policies? Using the global ...
Simulation of land use/land cover change and its effects on the hydrological characteristics of the upper reaches of the Hanjiang Basin Results indicate that the area of paddy field, dry land, shrubbery and construction land by 2020 will have increased; however, woodland, grassland and ... Z ...
To assess landscape fragmentation and potential urban and peri-urban forests (UPFs), we used a spatial model of landscape structure and spatial characteristics of forests’ fragmentation and connectivity. The basis for estimating landscape structure and spatial characteristics of UPFs was tested for the...
These surfaces (landscapes) are evaluated based on the cost of movement between nodes (core areas), and the lower the resistance, the higher the probability of moving between nodes. Linking nodes create a cost path that can be represented by cumulative resistance values or cost-weighted distance...
Polylepis (Rosaceae) forest, a unique forest habitat in the high Andes of South America, presently occurs as small and isolated patches in grassland dominated landscapes. We examine how the avian community is likely influenced by patch characteristics (i.e., area, plant...