In order to ensure the data value and data security in database and prevent the data and features to be tampered maliciously, this paper puts forward a tamper-resistant method for key features of distributed big data in database based on encryption verification. According to the computing result...
The goal of this research was to reduce that large amount of data to a set of key features best describing wheelchair mobility performance in match play and present them in meaningful way for both scientists and athletes. To test the discriminative power, wheelchair mobility characteristics of ...
Explore the Key Characteristics of Cloud Computing and know its use cases and pricing. The characteristics includes as on-demand service, scalability, pay-per-use model, and more.
Explore these 10 cloud computing characteristics that explain why it's the go-to destination for building and deploying modern applications. 1. On-demand self-service AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloudand other public cloud platforms make resources available to users at the click of a button orAP...
of data elements.“Data has the characteristics of increasing returns to scale, non-competitiveness and low-cost reuse. Acting on different subjects and combining with different elements can produce different degrees of a multiplication effect. By accelerating the development and utilization of data in...
What Are the 8 Key Characteristics of Agile Organizations? While researchers may have varied perspectives on the main characteristics of an agile organization, their insights can generally be categorized into seven main groups. A "North star" / shared purpose and vision Customer-centric approach...
Configure a primary key in Hologres,Hologres:You can configure a primary key for a table to ensure the uniqueness of each record in the table and data consistency. The primary key facilitates data management. The characteristics of primary keys ...
we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,...
02 Key Characteristics关键特性 KeyCharacteristics关键特性 1 QualityActionPlan质量活动计划 Decisiontorealizeaproject决定启动项目TargetAgreement目标协议Confirmationofconcept概念确认Confirmationoffunction功能确认ProductionTryout生产调试PerformanceTest性能测试StartofProduction量产ProcessCapability加工能力 E ZV KB FB PTO LT ...
In some works, the notation “metric” is used instead of measure. However, we opted for the latter since the former encompasses mathematical characteristics that might only hold for some of the proposed measures found in the literature.