出大事了! 周二(3月26日)凌晨1点30分左右,新加坡集装箱船 Dali号撞上了马里兰州巴尔的摩市(Baltimore)的Francis Scott Key Bridge,导致桥梁倒塌,恐引发808亿美元的贸易危机... 从网上流传的视频中可以看到,这艘船与695号州际公路南北向车道的桥梁相撞,导致桥梁的一部分起火,然后坍塌到河中。 大桥的一个桥墩被一...
NTSB调查巴尔的摩大桥坍塌事件NTSB对巴尔的摩关键桥梁坍塌的调查可能需要数年时间才能完成。坎贝尔大学历史学副教授萨尔瓦托雷·梅尔科里亚诺博士从福克斯的乔什·布雷斯洛加入LiveNOW,谈论NTSB调查。【美国国家运输安全委员会调查巴尔的摩大桥垮塌事故美国国家运输安全委员会(NTSB)对巴尔的摩关键大桥(Baltimore's Key Bridge)坍塌...
Baltimore— The families of three of the six immigrant construction workers who died when theFrancis Scott Key Bridge collapsedwill ask a federal court to prevent the owner of the ship that crashed into the structure from escaping legal liability. The families announced on Tuesday that they ...
had just left the Port of Baltimore when it reported losing propulsion before crashing into the bridge support. Officials said the crew issued a mayday call, which gave them time to stop traffic from entering the bridge.
“Never would you think that you would see, physically see, the Key Bridge tumble down like that. It looked like something out of an action movie,” said Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott, calling it “an unthinkable tragedy." Authorities said a crew of unknown size was working on the bridge ...
Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed after a container ship lost power and rammed into the bridge early Tuesday, sending vehicles plunging into the water. A recovery effort resumed Wednesday, with divers searching for six construction workers who are still unaccounted for. Here’s what ...
【侨报网讯】美国东北马里兰州的港口城市巴尔的摩(Baltimore)弗朗西斯·斯科特·基伊大桥(Francis Scott Key Bridge/695号高速公路)26日凌晨遭一艘大型货船碰撞而坍塌。警方27日透露,调查人员在桥下的卡车中发现了两具遗体。根据英文媒体报道,马里兰州警方表示,两名遇难者的年龄分别为35岁和26岁,被困在了一辆红色皮卡车中...
The Coast Guard says the cargo ship that crashed into a bridge in Baltimore was undergoing “routine engine maintenance” in port beforehand.
By Lisa Shumaker April 6 (Reuters) – Work is underway to begin clearing the wreckage of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge more than a week after a faltering cargo ship crashed into it, sending...
Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge could be taller when it is rebuilt, according to preliminary renderings from the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA).