The risk of leaving these decisions to untrained individuals is that these decisions won't be made on science. They will be made based on emotion and confirmation bias, which is to say, Google searches looking for opinions that line up with your preexisting beliefs or inclinations. This will ...
The risk of leaving these decisions to untrained individuals is that these decisions won’t be made on science. They will be made based on emotion and confirmation bias, which is to say, Google searches looking for opinions that line up with your preexisting beliefs or inclinations. This will...
American transcendentalist who was against a government that supported slavery. He wrote down his beliefs in Walden. He started the movement of civil-disobedience when he refused to pay the toll-tax to support him Mexican War. Shakers A millennial group who believed in both Jesus and a mystic ...
Singer has consistently challenged the scientific consensus on climate change, arguing that it is based on flawed models and data. He has also been a vocal critic of environmental regulations, arguing that they are unnecessary and harmful to the economy. ...
In other times, I could stand here and give this kind of exposition on the beliefs of the Democratic Party and that would be enough. But today that is not enough. People want more. That is not sufficient reason for the majority of the people of this country to vote Democratic.* We hav...
In other times -- In other times, I could stand here and give this kind of exposition on the beliefs of the Democratic Party and that would be enough. But today that is not enough. People want more. That is not sufficient reason for the majority of the people of this country to decid...
With a strong emphasis on faith, family, and freedom, the party aims to support candidates who align with these core beliefs and work towards a better tomorrow for the state. Emphasizing the importance of family as the foundation of society, the party advocates for policies that empower ...
affect lobbyists' corporate clients.It's a concern, because it's hard for the public to tell if lawmakers are making decisions based on political beliefs or on the influence and access from campaign contributions by big industry, said Carmen Balber, Washington director for Consumer Watchdog.Mr...
AN EXPLORATION OF AFRICAN – AMERICAN MALES AND THE INFLUENCE OF RACE, GENDER AND TEACHER BELIEFS ABOUT THEIR ACADEMIC SUCCESS There has been no shortage of calls to improve teaching. Even the federal law, the NoChild Left Behind Act, has mandated high quality teaching in the natio... C Ham...
" without concrete evidence can cause a lot of pointless arguments, and it's easy to end up miscalibrated in the end; the goal is to end up with accurate beliefs about the particular error rate of different epistemic processes, rather than to play Bias Bingo for its own sake....