This app supports generating, saving, loading, parsing and verifying Android key and ID attestation data. The app is used for self-testing, so it has no network permission. The certificate revocation data is embedded in the apk and will not be updated online. If the system is compromised, ...
4) 后面就可以进行attestation key provison了 adb push keybox.xml /data/local/tmp adb shell LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/vendor/lib64/hw KmInstallKeybox /data/local/tmp/keybox.xml your_key_file_product_id true 5)在user版本上测试时注意不要刷persist image,因为attestation key是写在persist分区的。 widevine...
keyattestation.AppApplication; import io.github.vvb2060.keyattestation.R; public record RevocationList(String status, String reason) { private static final JSONObject json; private static JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); static { try { ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArray...
AttestationConveyancePreference getAttestation() 获取凭据偏好。 Long getTimeoutSeconds() 获取超时时间。 Public methods Method byte[] getChallenge () 获取challenge。 Return type desc byte[] challenge 挑战值。 Method PublicKeyCredentialRpEntity getRp() 获取publicKeyCredentialRpEntity,在新建凭据时依赖方的...
Android Attestation key导入步骤(Qualcomm Platform) &nbs... Android程序生成步骤 步骤流程图 整个APK的打包过程分为以下7个步骤: 第一步: 工作 打包资源文件,生成R.java文件 工具 aapt 位置: 工具位置: android-sdk\platform-tools 源码位置: frameworks\base\tools\aapt 步骤: 调用aapt源码目录下的Resource.cpp...
前言:国庆回来工作后很懵逼…又遇见了新问题,因为旧板子烧坏了,新板子系统没带widevine key,我用旧板子命令烧pass,新板子apk烧就fail。 又接触到了新的领域,新名词。不错的,甲方乙方一起带我学习进步~ 代码语言:javascript 复制 #defineTEE_ERROR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND ...
Keybox有Widevine Keybox或Android Attestation Keybox。Widevine Keybox用来做数字版权DRM服务,Android Attestation Keybox用来做认证服务。 早在2012年,Google高价收购数字版权管理软件公司Widevine,主要是为了学习苹果的版权管理生态,构建自己的Android生态系统,从Android3.0版本就开始支持Widevine。所有需要拿到GMS认证的手机...
AuthenticatorAttestationResponse Fido2AuthenticationResponse AuthenticatorAssertionResponse PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions.Builder PublicKeyCredentialRpEntity PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity PublicKeyCredentialEntity PublicKeyCredentialParameters AuthenticatorSelectionCriteria Authent...
Android Key Attestation Test App This app supports generating, saving, loading, parsing and verifying Android key and ID attestation data. The app is used for self-testing, so it has no network permission. The certificate revocation data is embedded in the apk and will not be updated online....
This app supports generating, saving, loading, parsing and verifying Androidkey and ID attestationdata. The app is used for self-testing, so it has no network permission. The certificate revocation data is embedded in the apk and will not be updated online. If the system is compromised, parsi...