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外部播放此歌曲> Dima - Kettlebell Swing / Volum 专辑:Helkropp (Explicit) 歌手:Dima 还没有歌词哦
Kettlebell练习:#1 - Kettlebell Swing Kettlebell Swing是壶铃训练的中心练习,通常只不过是爆炸性的交叉提升或提升。具有Deadlift经验的运动员将从他们的知识中受益。许多练习建立在壶铃摆动的基础上,所以应该特别注意开始。 第一组位置:首先,正确的基本位置很重要。你把臀部宽度放在壶铃前面,你的脚趾指向前方。腿保持稍微...
How to Perform:Secure a resistance band to a low anchor, loop it around the kettlebell, and perform a standard kettlebell swing by driving your hips forward. At the top of the swing, a partner applies a downward push, adding extra force for you to control during the descent. Benefits:This...
How to do a kettlebell swing The first thing to remember before doing a kettlebell swing is that the swing part of the movement comes from a hip hinge movement, not your arms. Think of your hips as the hinge in the movement — your lower body stays glued to the ground, with your we...
爱给网提供海量的(CC协议)高清实拍资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的俄罗斯秋千壶铃秋千(kettlebell-swing-russian-swing), 本站编号43229542, 该(CC协议)高清实拍素材大小为37m, 时长为58秒, 分辨率为1920*1080, 许可范围为可商用,协议名称为pixabay协议, 更多精彩(CC协议)高清实拍素材,尽在爱给网。 找到...
Common kettlebell swing form mistakes—and how to fix them How to pick the right kettlebell weight A versatile move that fits into any full-body workout? The kettlebell swing. After all, some days you need a good workout, while on others, you need a fast one. But with this move, you...
Squeeze through the glutes and swing until your arms are parallel to the floor. Return to the start under control, being careful not to round or hyper-extend the back. Emphasis: Don't shrug your shoulders or flex your elbows to attempt to extend range of motion - the hips should drive ...
Muscles Targeted: The kettlebell swing is one of the most popular exercises used in CrossFit. It's an excellent movement for targeting the entire body while also getting a great cardiovascular workout. When performing the kettlebell swing, the large musc
The Kettlebell Swing is taught a variety of ways, but there are two main “variations” – the Russian swing and the American swing. I personally only ever use the Russian style, hip hinge swing ending no higher than chest height. So below I’m going to go over form for that hip hinge...