Tuesday: Single Leg Deadlift (With Kettlebell) – 5 reps each side x 3 sets Wednesday: Rest Thursday: Single Leg Deadlift (With Kettlebell) – 5 reps each side x 2 sets Follow With:Turkish Get Up (With Kettlebell) – 3 reps each side Friday: Rest Saturday:Single Leg Deadlift (With Kett...
Kettlebell Deadlift Kettlebell High Pulls Kettlebell Snatch There are 2 warms ups that I recommend here: 1. Empty Swings The first warm up exercise I recommend in preparation for the kettlebell swing is the empty handed swing. The empty handed swing simply involves repeating the one handed swing...
- Straight Leg Deadlift - Sumo Goblet Squat Cooldown: (5 Min) - Toe Touch - Side Bend L - Side Bend R - Quad Stretch L - Quad Stretch R - Butterfly Stretch - Cobra - Shell - Deep Glute Stretch - Full Body Stretch 561 Comments ...
Sumo Deadlift High-pull, pick load Rest 1 min Perform this like “Fight Gone Bad,” by rotating immediately to the next station every 1 min, the clock does not stop or reset between stations. * Sub DB swing for KB swing with h...
Single Leg Deadlift Squat Racked Windmill Burpees Fast Mountain Climbers Jump Squats Double Handed Swings High Pulls How to Perform the Workout Work through this super circuit one exercise after the next only resting when necessary. For the first block perform 10 reps per side, the second block ...
KETTLEBELL DEADLIFT VARIATIONS How To Kettlebell Deadlift LIVE 3 ARM TONING EXERCISES WITH KETTLEBELLS Get Toned Arms With These 3 Kettlebell Exercises 3 BEST KETTLEBELL ROW EXERCISES Do These Kettlebell Rows To Banish Back Fat Tone Your Arms LIVE Nasty Kettlebell Bodyweight Ladder Challenge Get Lean...
4. Sumo deadlift high pull No kettlebells? While you can do swings with a dumbbell, the close grip is quite awkward. A better option for most exercisers is sumo deadlift high pulls. This exercise works all of the same muscles as kettlebell swings, but all you need is a barbell. ...
Kettlebell SumoDeadlift High Pull Kettlebell alternating high pull Kettlebell shrugs These movements will bias therear deltsand upper back, including the traps. They require a lot of movement and stability at the shoulder blade. They also make for amore completeupper body workout. ...
High Pull The kettlebell high pull willteach you how to hinge and extend your hips.It’s a fantastic progression to help youfeel the power from the hips and how it carries over to the kettlebell.With this progression, you can try heavier weights, but be careful with your shoulder joints ...
Step Two: Kettlebell Deadlift Next up is teaching the deadlift. This can be more intense than the RDL because it’s going to increase the range of motion in their biomechanics. Starting the bell on the floor allows for your client to build up into other deadlift progressions that help to ...