Error inserting row into table [BOND_ISSUE] with values: [291209410397], [8067], [8067], [中国普天信息产业股份有限公司2009年度第一期短期融资券], [6], [1], [1420], [2], [2009/03/24 00:00:00.000], [中国普天信息产业股份有限公司], [99], [null], [null], [联合资信评估有限公司、...
String realTablename = environmentSubstitute(meta.getTableNameField()); data.indexOfTableNameField = rowMeta.indexOfValue(realTablename); if (data.indexOfTableNameField < 0) { String message = "Unable to find table name field [" + realTablename + "] in input row"; logError(message); ...
2018/10/17 17:43:12 - TableOutput-fact_cfc_user_open_advert.0 - Error updating batch 2018/10/17 17:43:12 - TableOutput-fact_cfc_user_open_advert.0 - Data truncation: Out of range value for column 'confirm_status_key' at row 1 2018/10/17 17:43:12 - TableOutput-fact_cfc_user_...
2018/11/05 13:54:09 - clickhouse.0 - Error inserting row into table [mark_activity_send_log] with values: [81947000], [18917125050], [2018-10-10] 2018/11/05 13:54:09 - clickhouse.0 - 2018/11/05 13:54:09 - clickhouse.0 - offending row : [act_send_id Integer(15)], [target...
When I use kettle to import data into shardingsphere-proxy, some table wile appear:caused by : Java sql. SQLException: Parameter index out of bounds. 23393 is not between valid values of 1 and 23392。 But,I am sure that my orginal table is consistent with the target table,and this probl...
thrownewKettleDatabaseException("Unexpected error inserting row",ex); errorMessage=dbe.toString(); }else{ if(meta.ignoreErrors()){ if(log.isBasic()){ logBasic("WARNING: Couldn't insert row into table: " +rowMeta.getString(r)+Const.CR+dbe.getMessage()); ...
Error inserting row into table [BOND_ISSUE] with values: [291209410397], [8067], [8067], [中国普天信息产业股份有限公司2009年度第一期短期融资券], [6], [1], [1420], [2], [2009/03/24 00:00:00.000], [中国普天信息产业股份有限公司], [99], [null], [null], [联合资信评估有限公司、...
2021/06/30 13:32:44 - 表输出.0 - Error inserting/updating row 2021/06/30 13:32:44 - 表输出.0 - Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x92\x95' for column 'name' at row 1 1. 2. 其实这个问题网上有很多相关的资料,原因就在于源数据库的表中存储了emoji表情,mysql的utf8编码的一个字符最...
2018/07/26 11:28:53 - sql_data_output.0 - ERROR (version, build from 2018-04-30 09.42.24 by buildguy) : org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException: 2018/07/26 11:28:53 - sql_data_output.0 - Error batch inserting rows into table [users]. ...