5. Steel drum [stiːl drʌm] - 音节拆分:Steel·drum - 中文意思:钢鼓 - 中文谐音:“斯蒂尔德拉姆” - 国际音标:[stiːl drʌm] 6. Triangle [ˈtraɪæŋɡl] - 音节拆分:Tri·an·gle - 中文意思:三角形;三角铁 - 中文谐音:“踹安格尔” - 国际音标:[ˈtraɪæŋɡl]...
The meaning of KETTLE is a metallic vessel usually used for boiling liquids; especially : teakettle. How to use kettle in a sentence.
inner wall contact to liquid content directly. There is a gap between the inner wall and the outer wall. We call this gap as "jacket". When Steam or other heating medium was injected into the jacket, the stainless steel inner surface of this jacketed kettle will transfer the h...