【User Home Directory Access】报错:Could not read directory contents,是因为 Kettle 是使用当前操作系统用户去访问 HDFS 的,如果 HDFS 上/user/目录下没有该用户的目录,则该项检测就会失败。解决办法:手动在 HDFS 上/user/目录下创建以当前操作系统用户名命名的文件夹即可(电脑用户名)。 假如我的用户名为Darlen...
README GPL-3.0 官方首页 Smart Kettle(开源版本) 引言 企业的痛点 官方交流 联系我们 简介 1. 它是一款超轻量级的kettle web端调度监控平台 2. 它的平台实现充分基于"前后端分离"思想 3. 它的后端实现基于互联网最流行的微服务技术 4. 它的前端实现基于互联网最流行的渐进式VUE框架 ...
2、直接使用Kettle版本,系统启动会报[simple-jndi] is not directory 异常,原因未知,为解决此问题,在根目录下面 建了一个simple-jndi 的目录,除非读者不使用9.版本的Kettle,否则不要私自删除目录! 3、如果读者了解原因,也请留言,本人会及时更新升级 步骤七 资源库一定要设定好,按照...
Contents - DataSources The Kettle repository also contains a few implementations of the simpleDataSourcecontract for read/write access to data with a simple semantic (broadly the same as that encoded inCRUDalthough the current DataSource semantic does not provide explicitly for deletion). See the ...
Contents - DataSources The Kettle repository also contains a few implementations of the simpleDataSourcecontract for read/write access to data with a simple semantic (broadly the same as that encoded inCRUDalthough the current DataSource semantic does not provide explicitly for deletion). See the ...
PDI is easy to use. Every process is created with a graphical tool where you specify what to do without writing code to indicate how to do it; because of this, you could say that PDI is metadata oriented. PDI can be used as a standalone application, or it can be used as part of ...
@Test public void deleteDirectory() throws Exception { FileObject test = KettleVFS.getFileObject( "bin/test/deleteDirectoryTest" ); test.createFolder(); DistributedCacheUtilImpl ch = new DistributedCacheUtilImpl(); ch.deleteDirectory( test ); try { assertFalse( test.exists() ); } finally {...
How to compile You may need to include the directory that has the native SVN libraries like below. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/jni mvn clean package
But first, please read <http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/why-not-lgpl.html>. Starred 0 Star 0 Fork 645 简介 🐮🐮🐮 (smart kettle)JAVA商城二开:支持小程序商城、 供应链商城 小程序商城 H5商城 app商城超全商城模式,微信商城、微信小程序商城,支持分销、团购、直播、秒杀、优惠券、自...
Use Checkout/Update to see how the contents looked like at that commit with the commit history intact. Use Rollback to rollback all the changes. A new commit can be made to persist the rollback. Working with files If you have changed files but WORKINGTREE is not listed, push Refresh to...