The ketogenic diet (KD) is an effective treatment option for patients with intractable epilepsy. The recent resurgence of interest in the KD has led to an explosion of research into its clinical implementation, as well as its underlying mechanisms. The KD is often initiated in the hospital, ...
The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet used to treat epilepsy. It is commonly recommended for children with refractory (treatment-resistant) epilepsy. Adults with epilepsy also benefit from the keto diet and similar plans. Study results vary, but many have shown that a ...
Families of children with epilepsy now ask about the ketogenic diet at clinic visits. Is it effective and safe to use for treatment of epilepsy?The ketogenic diet can be considered an option for children with intractable epilepsy who use multiple antiepileptic drugs. It is a treatment of choice...
THE TREATMENT OF EPILEPSY IN CHILDHOODFIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE WITH THE KETOGENIC DIET HENRY F. HELMHOLZ, M.D. Author Affiliations JAMA. 1927;88(26):2028-2032. doi:10.1001/jama.1927.02680520018008 Full Text Abstract Since 1922 I have given children with idiopathic epilepsy a diet sufficiently hi...
The ketogenic diet is well known in the epilepsy treatment field because it has been used in the past, and is currently experiencing a revival as a treatment for epileptic seizures, especially in children. The diet is extremely effective and more importantly, it's non-toxic and well tolerated...
Recipes and resources for patients in the UK affected by drug resistant epilepsy, Glut1 deficiency syndrome and other conditions requiring a ketogenic diet.
epilepsyBackground and Aims: Ketogenic diet is currently a therapeutic option for the treatment of epilepsy other than anticonvulsant drugs, for which there is a growing interest in Europe and worldwide, mainly due to the persisting number of refractory patients and the adverse side effects of ...
The ketogenic diet (KD) is an effective treatment option for patients with intractable epilepsy. The recent resurgence of interest in the KD has led to an explosion of research into its clinical implementation, as well as its underlying mechanisms. The KD is often initiated in the hospital, and...
epilepsymyoclonic seizuresDiet therapyside effectsFrom a serendipitous observation that fasting temporarily suppresses epileptic seizures, arose the idea that a diet would mimic the metabolic effects of ketosis. The so named "ketogenic diet" has enjoyed a renewal of interest amongst physicians and the ...
The ketogenic diet (KD) is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate, adequate-protein diet that has been used for more than eight decades for the treatment of refractory epilepsy in children. Despite this long history, the mechanisms by which the KD exerts its anti-seizure action are not fully understood...