Sign up for our Diet and Nutrition Newsletter! Enter your email Subscribe By subscribing you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.RELATED ARTICLESSee all in Ketogenic Diet ketogenic diet 5 Cheeses You Can Eat on the Keto Diet — and 5 You Can’tMedically ReviewedbyReyna Franco, RDN...
All authors reviewed and approved the manuscript before submission. Corresponding authors Correspondence to Da Jia or Yu Xue. Ethics declarations Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests. Peer review Peer review information Nature Metabolism thanks Di Zhang, Jiangning Song, Xiang Li ...
If you search for "ketogenic diet" on Health Impact News, you will find over 130 articles documenting how this diet cures many modern diseases, with plenty of testimonials as well. We have also published almost 700 articles exposing the cholesterol myth. A survey of the peer-reviewed ...
Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness, which requires new strategies for prevention and management. Recent evidence suggests that a ketogenic diet may be an effective intervention. This research aimed to explore the feasibility and acceptability o
Inclusion criteria were documentation of EAKD (< 50 g daily carbohydrate consumed by endurance athletes), ketosis achieved (measured via serum biomarker), VO2 max and/or secondary outcomes, English language, and peer reviewed-publication status. Articles were excluded if they were not a primary ...
diet- This study has considerable strengths. First, the very comprehensive prospective data collection gives a high level of confidence in the safety data for future trials, and suggests that such trials are unlikely to require such extensive data collection (thus reducing the data collection burden...
( submit your manuscript | Dovepress Nutrition and Dietary Supplements 2014:6 Dovepress Ketogenic diet for epilepsy Nutrition and Dietary Supplements Publish your work in this journal Dovepress Nutrition and Dietary Supplements is an international, peer-reviewed, open ...
This study was reported in multiple peer-reviewed publications, the primary reports being published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry in 1930 [9, 10], As noted by DuBois [8], the study results were essentially "negative", in that both subjects survived the 12 months in apparent good ...
dietketogenicepilepsypharmacistseizuresIn an effort to expedite the publication of articles, AJHP is posting manuscripts online as soon as possible after acceptance. Accepted manuscripts have been peer-reviewed and copyedited, but are posted online before technical formatting and author proofing. These ...
Although the ketogenic diet (KD) is the first-line treatment for PDC deficiency, there is currently no widely accepted consensus on specific implementation of KD for this condition. Due to the combined effect of pre-existing hyperlactacidemia and KD-induced ketoacidosis that can further exacerbate ...