To this end, the Keto-Gel egg is high in fat while being low in protein and carbohydrate. Moreover, provided is a production method thereof. According to the present invention, the Keto-Gel egg ensures excellent taste and aroma other than the functionality listed above.LEE, SONG MI...
Kelo-cote Advanced Formula Scar Gel, Improves The Appearance of Old and New Scars 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 Keto-Cote 去疤凝胶 新旧伤疤都可用 31.99 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
Unusual β-Elimination of Carbocyclic Ketonucleosides Catalyzed by Silica Gelnucleic acidselimination reactionsChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 200 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract, please click on HTML or...
Nature's Truth MCT oil is a keto diet friendly supplement that supplies 3600 mg of MCT per serving MCT oil contains essential fatty acids, capric and caprylic acids to fuel the body* MCT oil supplements are a source of energy that provide energy...
德国药品 , 批次号: 0720970 药品名: EFFEKTON GEL MIT KETOPROFE 活性物质: KTPN 活性物质含量: 25 重量: 25 活性药物组: Antirheumatika, topisch, nicht steroida...
Inorganic Al 2 O 3 nano-powders were synthesized by citric acid sol-gel, stearic acid sol-gel and aldo-keto gel method. The prepared samples were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) for structural studies and the average particle size was calculated by Debye-Scherrer formula. The...
制备质量控制目的 制备复方酮康唑凝胶并建立其质控方法.方法 以卡波姆-940为凝胶基质,建立酸碱度、卫生学、含量测定等质控方法,并进行刺激性试验、高速离心试验、耐热耐寒试验和室温留样观察等.用高效液相色谱法,C18柱,甲醇-水(75:25)为流动相,检测波长为240nm,流速1.0ml/min测定复方酮康唑凝胶中酮康唑...
A novel approach to stimuli-responsive gel termed the "keto-enol tautomerization"-based response mechanism was proposed. By tautomerization, vinyl ketone-based gelator G3 can be self-assembled into an organogel (OG3) accompanied by strong AIE. OG3 shows reversible dual-channel response for S(2-...
NICOTINYLS, PYRETHROIDS, AND KETO-ENOLS AS A GEL FORMULATION OR FOAM FORMULATION FOR PERENNIAL CULTURESDisclosed is a method for controlling insects by means of a gel formulation or foam formulation containing at least one insecticide. Said method is characterized in that the agrochemical formulation...