Use our free, accurate Keto Calculator to determine your ideal macronutrient intake for the ketogenic and low-carb diets. Perfect for weight loss and reaching your keto goals.
The ultimate low-carb diet apps for iPad, iPhone and Android. Discover amazing low-carb, paleo-friendly recipes, plan and track your progress.
Keto Diet Tracker Probably the best app for tracking net carbs and other macros App Store Google Play Trackers Food Search for foods in our enormous database and track your macronutrients. Our app counts Net carbs by default for Keto diet. Scan barcodes or create your custom foods and meals...
How To Calculate Macros For a Low Carb Diet To calculate low carb macros, you’ll use many of the same equations as the ones needed for keto macros, but it’s a little easier. Some of the steps are the same, and some are different: ...
Learn how a keto diet can help you lose weight quickly. Learn what to eat and what to expect when on a ketogenic diet.
Keto Diet App - your personal keto coach and powerful macro tracker. Hundreds of keto recipes, diet tips and guidance, all in the palm of your hand! Tracking fo…
The term “keto macros” refers to the ketogenic macronutrient ratio, which is usually defined as: 5-10% calories from carbs 20-25% calories from protein 60-75% calories from fat Eating within this ratio puts the body inketosis– the main goal of the ketogenic diet. The most important asp...
Here is a visual representation of your macros and your deficit. The area of the circles is exactly scaled based on your ratios. Weight Maintenance kcal Your Target kcal Deficit kcal If you stick to 25g of carbs, -g protein, and -g fat, you will eat kcal and lose kg (lbs) in ...
Free low carb and keto macro calculator to quiclky learn the macronutrients for a low carb diet lifestyle. Adjust as you meet your goals!
Keto Diet究竟是啥? Keto Diet这个概念,相信很多小伙伴们都听说过。这个是前两年兴起的一个靠饮食来达到减重减脂的模式。 Keto是Ketogenic的简称,至于中文嘛,我还特意上网google了一下,原来叫“生酮”。别问我中文啥意思,因为我也不知道为啥翻译成这个晦涩难懂的词(至少对我这个理科生来说是这样的)。