Read, Write and Clone.Multi-language SupportSupported Language: English, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Polish, Russian.Master or Slave? Operate as you want!A single flexible device that can be configured as required, when the tool is initialized, you can choose the ...
Read, Write and Clone. Multi-language Support Supported Language: English, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Polish, Russian. Master or Slave? Operate as you want! A single flexible device that can be configured as required, when the tool is initialized, you can choose ...
Nuovo Checksum 2022 KESS & KTAG CLONE con Software Ksuite 2.80 per Kess V5.017 ECU Programmer ECU Chip Tuning Tool Ktag 2.25 NOTICE: 1.latest software V2.53/ V2.47It adds more obd2 protocols than the older version V2.23. KESS V2.47 supports more car models till 2017. It has unlimited to...
然后点击“Next”...“Next”...“Next”直到驱动安装完成 通过USB 线将 Kess V2 clone 插入计算机以安装设备 第三步:运行 Ksuite_2.80_exe 设备设置完成后,运行 Ksuite 2.80 应用程序。 更改语言: 选择选项,单击选择将语言更改为您想要的语言 试车: 车型:例如 2008 VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT CC 1.8 TSI 6MT Bosch ...
免费下载Ksuite V2.53,适用于Kess V2red/greenV5.017,而不是V2.47。它尚不支持KTAG V7.020/KESS V4.036clone。 链接1:KESS V2 Ksuite 2.53的免费下载兆:!Lol0GCZR!nOeibBrssBZGwzzvHAlNozrMV3VkVWIl9P0zBT6dcIo 链接2: ...
免费下载KsuiteV2.53,适用于KessV2red/greenV5.017,而不是V2.47。它尚不支持KTAGV7.020/KESSV4.036clone。链接1:KESSV2Ksuite2.53的免费下载兆:!Lol0GCZR!nOeibBrssBZGwzzvHAlNozrMV3VkVWIl9P0zBT6dcIo链接2:https://share.wei ...
它尚不支持KTAGV7.020/KESSV4.036clone。链接1:KESSV2Ksuite2.53的免费下载兆:!Lol0GCZR!nOeibBrssBZGwzzvHAlNozrMV3VkVWIl9P0zBT6dcIo链接2:https://share.wei Kess V2 Ksuite 2.53下载 Kess V2 red 翻译 断指马岱 2020-04-02 14:28:09 4074阅读 1点赞 V 2 heartbeat V2(...
2. ECU clone3. ECU parameter adjustment4. ECU maintenance engineering5. Chip turing6. Read ECU maps7. Checksum correction8. Stage1-3, gearbox tuning , LC, sportdisplay , immo off, adblue off, dpf off, dtc off ,vmax ,swirl o...
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