PELAYANAN KESEHATAN IBU HAMIL DAN BERSALIN SURVEI DEMOGRAFI DAN KESEHATAN INDONESIA 1991, 1994 DAN 1997Maternal HealthPregnancyThe coverage of maternal health care services have been reviewed from the Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) conducted in 1991, 1994 and 1997, which covered live births ...
MASALAH KESEHATAN PADA IBU HAMIL DAN BERSALIN : SURVAI KESEHATAN RUMAH TANGGA 1986Household HealthMaternal HealthA Household Health Survey was conducted in 7 provinces, in the period of August 1985 through May 1986. One of its objectives was to investigate the utilization of maternal health care ...
PELATIHAN KESEHATAN JARINGAN PERIODONTAL PADA IBU HAMIL DAN KADER KESEHATAN PUSKESMAS KOTA PASURUAN SEBAGAI UPAYA PENCEGAHAN STUNTING)doi:10.20473/jlm.v7i3.2023.386-394Stunting is still a public health problem in Indonesia, including Pasuruan City. Around 1,516 children st...
Suggestions, women health care program especially during pregnancy and delivery must have special attention from health care provider; also need good coordination to enhance the coverage. Keywords: pregnant women, health status, reproductive healthFelly PJurnal Ekologi Kesehatan...
, (2009). Cakupan Kunjungan Ibu Hamil (K4) dan Pertolongan Persalinan oleh Tenaga Kesehatan Hubungannya dengan Angka Kematian Ibu. . - : The Indonesian Journal of Public Health, 44-48.Darmastuti,dkk.2009.Cakupan Kunjungan Ibu Hamil (K4) dan Pertolongan Persalinan ...
SENI USIK WIWITAN: INTERVENSI KESEHATAN BERBASIS BUDAYA LOKAL TERHADAP IBU HAMIL TRIMESTER III DI KOTA BANDUNG, JAWA BARATIn recent years, there has been increasing concern about scientific investigations of the endogenous electromagnetic fields generated by and contained in the human body. The ...
PENGARUH SUPLEMENTASI TABLET TAMBAH DARAH (TTD), SENG, DAN VITAMIN A TERHADAP KADAR HEMOGLOBIN IBU HAMILThe iron deficiency anaemia is still main nutrition problem, especially among pregnant woman. The prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia is still high, where in urban were 37,5% and in rural ...
Bulletin of Health ResearchHusaini, YK, Sandjaja, Kartono, D, Karyadi, D 1986, 'Keadaan gizi dan kesehatan ibu hamil: Karakteristik sosio-demografi, mediko-obstetrik dan konsumsi makanan', Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 22-40....
Pradono J, Kusumawardi N, Lubis N, Hapsari D, Sulistyawati N, Christina, CM, et al., Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga 2004. 2005. (accessed 11 September 2015).Depertemen Kesehatan RI. 2012. Survei Kesehatan Rumah...
PEMANFAATAN PELAYANAN KESEHATAN OLEH IBU HAMIL DI INDONESIA BERDASARKAN SKIA SURKESNAS 2001The 2001 Maternal and Child Health Study (SKIA) is a part of the 2001 National House Health Survey (NHHS) which was carried out by the National Institute of Health Research and Development, Ministry of ...