connnecting to the remote Jupyter server in VS Code (pasting the URI given), and changing the kernel to C++ (this shows thatxeus-clingcan work in VS Code). This is not a bad solution, just less convenient than starting the kernel from VS Code. ...
Thanks for the update. You'll need to figure out whyimport win32apiis not working. There are a number of SO hits on this issue, some of which state thatpip install pypiwin32resolved the issue. I don't have access to a windows machine, so can't really help much more than this - ...
In my case, I created a virtual environment named "DL", but the notebook that should have run under this environment did not, so I uninstalled it from the notebook and installed it again with the commands: jupyter kernelspec uninstall DL python -m ipykernel install --user --name=DL So...
If present, the value of this parameter will be used in the kernelspec as an explicit path to the kernel being invoked, as opposed to using the dotnet command-line program to find the appropriate kernel. This is not needed in most circumstances, but can be helpful when worki...
provided that my context was different, since i was working remotely on a linux server, even if i selected the right interpreter (via shift+ctrl+P "Select Interpreter to start Jupyter server") the kernel remained unactive. i've checked the installed dependencies inside the venv and tried...
1. 创建虚拟环境jupyter 2. 安装nodejs(用于jupyterlab安装扩展) 3. 安装pip包 4. 使用jupyterlab 5. 配置jupyterlab 6. 开机自启jupyter 6. 开机自启和nohup运行 7. 添加其他python环境的kernel 8. 添加matlab的kernel 9. 使用frp内网穿透 10. VSCode连接jupyter ...
error 16:44:22.398: Error in waiting for cell to complete Error: Canceled future for execute_request message before replies were done at a.KernelShellFutureHandler.dispose (/Users/janosh/.vscode/extensions/ms-toolsai.jupyter-2022.9.1202862440/out/node_modules/@jupyterlab/services.js:2:32353) ...
Attempting to reinstall ipykernel does not resolve the problem and I am also presented with theThere is no Pip installer available in the selected environment.warning from the Jupyter extension. This behaviour applies to all my projects with venvs, despite function properly before the new release...
Updated Python Samples: Migration and update of Python samples to reflect these latest changes, now available in the main Semantic Kernel repository. Jupyter Notebooks and Kernel Syntax Examples were also updated. We will be adding more examples as we move towards v1.0.0.PR ...
If present, the value of this parameter will be used in the kernelspec as an explicit path to the kernel being invoked, as opposed to using the dotnet command-line program to find the appropriate kernel. This is not needed in most circumstances, but can be helpful when working with CI en...