Linux is a highly configurable system and its configurability is based on the kernel build system, KBuild. Each developer should know the basics of KBuild and Make to be able to successfully extend/modify the kernel code. Last, but not least is shell scripting. It is hard to imagine Kerne...
Kmonis a an open source Linux Kernel manager and activity monitor utility written inRustprogramming language. It is a simple text-user interface (TUI) tool for managing Linux kernel modules and monitoring Kernel activities. It allows the users to load, unload, blacklist and display the informatio...
豆瓣图书标签: kernel 综合排序 /按出版日期排序/按评价排序 Linux Basics for Hackers: Getting Started with Networking, Scripting, and Security in Kali OccupyTheWeb / No Starch Press / 2018-12-4 / $34.95 8.2(26人评价) If you’re getting started along the exciting path of hacking, cyber...
Basically SystemTap is a command line tool, but a graphical user interface is also available as a front end to work with SystemTap; it can be found at: SystemTap can be considered a high-level layer over kprobes when running on kernel space. However, ...