根據預設,功能索引鍵FEATURE_INCLUDE_PORT_IN_SPN_KB908209和FEATURE_USE_CNAME_FOR_SPN_KB911149的值都是false。 為了完整性,以下是將功能機碼轉換為 true,將功能機碼納入 Kerberos 票證中的埠號碼,以匯出登錄的範例: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Fea...
若要解决此问题,必须设置 FEATURE_INCLUDE_PORT_IN_SPN_KB908209 注册表值。 (请参阅 有关如何声明密钥的信息的 Internet Explorer 功能密钥 部分。此设置强制 Internet Explorer 在 SPN 中包含用于请求 Kerberos 票证的端口号。Internet Explorer 是否使用预期的 SPN...
(换句话说,仅当确定的区域是 Intranet 或受信任的站点时,Internet Explorer 才会调用 InitializeSecurityContext 时设置ISC_REQ_DELEGATE标志。 托管站点的 IIS 应用程序池的用户帐户必须具有 在Active Directory 中设置的委派 标志的受信任帐户。如果委派仍然失败,请考虑使用适用于 IIS 的 Kerberos Configuration Manager...
若要解决此问题,必须设置 FEATURE_INCLUDE_PORT_IN_SPN_KB908209 注册表值。 (请参阅 有关如何声明密钥的信息的 Internet Explorer 功能密钥 部分。此设置强制 Internet Explorer 在 SPN 中包含用于请求 Kerberos 票证的端口号。Internet Explorer 是否使用预期的 SPN...
Beginning in Microsoft JDBC Driver 9.4, the user can specify the realm for Kerberos authentication in the connection string.Java Copy jdbc:sqlserver://servername=server_name;encrypt=true;integratedSecurity=true;authenticationScheme=JavaKerberos;userName=user;password=<password>;realm=REALM ...
When full delegation is enabled for Kerberos on a server, the server can use the delegated ticket-granting ticket (TGT) to connect as the user to any server, including those across a one way trust. In Windows Server 2012, a trust across forests can be configured to enforce the security bo...
It is recommended that the name contain the MRS security cluster name to distinguish security authentication information of different clusters. Username Username for logging in to the security cluster. krb5_conf Path OBS path to which the krb5.conf file is uploaded. NOTE: The renew_lifetime conf...
If these properties do not have values set, or if other Kerberos configuration information is needed, an attempt is made to find the required information in akrb5.conffile. The algorithm to locate thekrb5.conffile is the following: If the system propertyjava.security.krb5.confis set, its val...
For better security, use a dedicated SPN that matches the host header of the application. For example, because the web application host header in this example is myexpenses.contoso.com, add HTTP/myexpenses.contoso.com to the application service account object in Active Directory (AD):...
Understanding Kerberos Credential Delegation in Windows 2000 Using the TktView Utility Keith Brown Code for this article:SecurityBriefs0500.exe (33KB) T his month I�ll discuss how Windows® 2000 implements delegation of credentials using Kerberos. In looking for information, I found ...