Event Description:KSP is a game where the players create and manage their own space program. Build spacecraft, fly them, and try to help the Kerbals fulfill their ultimate mission of conquering space. In this project, student teams of civilian contractors will engage in a government-sponsored s...
Delta{v}_{out}是离开大气层所需的(Δv)量,不能达到轨道。 该方程可用于计算有大气层内发射到真空损耗的(Δv) 一些笔记 通过下面的章鱼图可以找到飞行器到目的轨道所需的速度增量. Δv 的章鱼图 (KSP 1.2.1): Total Δv values http://www.skyrender.net/lp/ksp/system_map.png Δv change ...
Added the first iteration of the Kerbal Knowledge Base: A collection of vessel and planetary information on the Map and Tracking Station. The Knowledge Base shows information about known Celestial Bodies, displays the crews inside vessels, and much more. Added Filtering by vessel type on the Track...
Kerbal Space Program 2 Mods KSP2 Mod Discussions A general discussion place for talk of all KSP2 mods, and the place to request them. 131 posts Toucan Mod Manager v2.0 - Now Available! By MissMolly, February 3 KSP2 Mod Releases This is where the new stuff comes in, be sure...
Added the first iteration of the Kerbal Knowledge Base: A collection of vessel and planetary information on the Map and Tracking Station. The Knowledge Base shows information about known Celestial Bodies, displays the crews inside vessels, and much more. Added Filtering by vessel type on the Track...
Delta-v mapA map consists of approximate amounts of needed to get from one place (whether it is on the ground or in space) to another. The values we have for our map are approximate and include a fudge factor (in case we slip up on our piloting). Our map is as follows: ...
Delta V Map Interplanetary Transfer Windows Master AstrophysicistUnlocked all Kerbal Space Program trophies. 1.50%Ultra Rare Look Ma, No Tractor Beams!Completed your first ship to ship dock! Congrats, lots of people don't make it this far. 5.34%Very Rare In order to dock two ships, yo...
A space-navigational aide for Kerbal Space Program. See all the transfers that you could choose from your current location at a glance, including the time till the burn and delta V, and turn them into maneuvers with one click. See the README in the download for installation and usage instr...
Basic DeltaV replaces and improves upon the stock dV system. All stock deltaV calculations are replaced using a modified version of the Kerbal Engineer Redux vessel simulator. The allows for several improvements and additions to the stock system: Mach slider used to allow for accurate calculation...
Messages: 17,592 Likes Received: 2,997 GPU: XFX 7900XTX M'310 http://www.pcinvasion.com/kerbal-space-program-devs-quit Kerbal Space Program has been around for a while and a new v1.2 update is dropping soon, but the KSP development team dropped their own bombshell today with news th...