According to police sources, the actor filed the complaint on Monday, following which her statement was recorded and an FIR registered. We will summon Boby for interrogation. After receiving the complaint, we sought legal opinion, which recommended registering a case. The incident related to the ...
Police No 1 Best police in India come up with the best app. Proud to write the first review App Privacy See Details The developer, Kerala Police, indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s priv...
One of the most amusing was a wonderful Christmas in the 70s when our family made a beautiful Christmas tree. It stands out most vividly in my mind. Approximately 6ft. tall, it was bedecked with all the delicate sparkle associated with Christmas decorations. Given that the pine and fir (sp...
During interrogation by the police, Shalu Menon admitted to the links she had with Saritha Nair and Biju Radhkarishnan, the brains behind the scam. She told the police that Biju Radhkarishnan approached her requesting her to model for his company’s advertisements. Later, she became intimate...