Keplr Wallet 评分及评论 3.7(满分 5 分) 251 个评分D.A.H., Jr. , 2023/03/12 Not completely Apple/iOS friendly Great Wallet and it’s amazing the things you can accomplish on here without a browser, but for those of us in the Apple ecosystem there are limitations. Sign in ...
chainId: chainId in a form of {identifier}-{version} (ex. cosmoshub-4) chainName: the name of the chain that will be displayed on the wallet chainSymbolImageUrl: Image URL of the chain.{chain-identifier}/{...
"@keplr-wallet/router" "0.12.66" "@keplr-wallet/types" "0.12.66" "buffer" "^6.0.3" "deepmerge" "^4.2.2" "long" "^4.0.0" "@keplr-wallet/router@0.12.66": "integrity" "sha512-dnTDSApfoQZK1H6c7Pk89Kr8Rx7Nmq9iMpKNKRs92aL24h9OSPWnmsZcNu0vmYf0wkcHiLJHdvqFpXOe2UwJBQ==" "resol...