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We are a horror games developing and publishing company founded in 2013. Since then we have been terrifying our players with our evil villains: Evil Nun, Ice Scream and Mr Meat. Our games gather +350M downloads.
新品 ¥ 76.00 发布于 2023 年 12 月 7 日 “进入邪恶修女的噩梦。被困在被诅咒的学校里,还要逃离 Sister Madeline 的追捕。她很狡猾,会搜查每个角落,并根据你的行动引诱你、跟你对话。解决谜题、制作物品、探索不同的逃离路线,并揭开这个恐怖游戏中的谜团。” ...
下載KEPLERIANS SL 開發的 App,包括 Witch Cry 2: The red hood、Ice Scream 8: Final Chapter 和 Angry King: Scary Game 及更多。
Experience one of the top-rated Free games on the App Store, Ice Scream United: Multiplayer! Developed by the innovative team at KEPLERIANS SL, this Action
准备好揭开隐藏在里面的东西了吗?现在观看并在评论区中留言告诉我们——你最喜欢包装盒里的哪一件物品? 游戏可适用于 PlayStation 主机!实体版目前仅在西班牙的电子游戏商城上架出售。你还可以在 Steam、Epic Games 和 XBOX Store 上购买我们的数字版。
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Device ID. User ID, in case of linking with the services of the App Store Game Services. The data that Keplerians will have access to will depend on the data that the user has entered in their Game Services account. In cases where the user has authorized it, the email may also be ...
Device ID. User ID, in case of linking with the services of the App Store Game Services. The data that Keplerians will have access to will depend on the data that the user has entered in their Game Services account. In cases where the user has authorized it, the email may also be ...
欢迎关注我们,了解更多详情信息! 《Ice Scream 8: Final Chapter》现已上线! Google Play 商店:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.keplerians.icescream8 App Store 商店:https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ice-scream-8-final-chapter/id6467519485 展开更多...