planets and satellites: individual (Kepler-16b, Kepler-34b, Kepler-35b)The planet Kepler-16b is known to follow a circumbinary orbit around a systemof two main-sequence stars. We construct stability diagrams in the "pericentricdistance - eccentricity" plane, which show that Kepler-16b is in a...
Kepler-16b is the first circumbinary planet discovered around a pair of low-mass and main-sequence stars using the Kepler space telescope (Doyle et al. 2011). Data from the Kepler spacecraft revealed...doi:10.1007/978-3-642-27833-4_5295-3Nader Haghighipour...
Kepler_16b5月18日 18:26 来自iPhone客户端 杰拉多尼!妈妈爱你!! k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转û收藏 转发 评论 ñ1 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 还没有热门评论,哪条评论给力快去赞一下吧 ...
Kepler--16b 21-03-28 18:16 来自iPhone客户端 #浪浪钉[超话]# 合唱芜湖🐶:就是~大家都不唱就是想让我们俩尴尬(哼🐱:我陪你唱了~我知道他会唱这个🐶:嗯对我就是说我们俩 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ2 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
专利名称 一种基于Kepler架构的CUDA运行时参数透明优化方法 申请号 2014103412380 申请日期 2014-07-18 公布/公告号 CN104102513B 公布/公告日期 2017-06-16 发明人 杨刚,王严,杜三盛,张策 专利申请人 西北工业大学 专利代理人 - 专利代理机构 - 专利类型 发明专利 主分类号 G06F9/445(2006.01)I 住所 陕西省...
Definition Kepler-16b is the first circumbinary planet discovered around a pair of low-mass and main-sequence stars using the Kepler space telescope (Doyle et al. 2011 ). Data from the Kepler spacecraft revealed transits of the planet across both stars, in addition to the mutual eclipses of...
Kepler-16b Double Sunset: First Planet Orbiting Two Stars ConfirmedNews Staff
Sci-fi planet.(EARTH: ASTROMY)(Kepler-16b)(Brief article)Hamalainen, Karina
We describe the discovery of Kepler-16b, the first widely accepted detection of a circumbinary planet.doi:10.1016/j.newar.2019.05.001Laurance R. Doyle a bNew Astronomy Reviews
The Orbit of Kepler 16bDr. Robert Israel