The Kepler spacecraft is in the initial stages of its mission to examine our region of the Milky Way in order to discover potentially habitable, Earth-like planets. n This artist’s animation illustrates how the dust cover on NASA’s Kepler telescope was ejected. Engineers sent a command up...
An artist's illustration of the extrasolar planets discovered around the star Kepler 11 by NASA's Kepler Space Telescope. Planet Orbiting Two Suns NASA/JPL-Caltech This artist's concept illustrates Kepler-16b, the first planet known to definitively orbit two stars -- a real-life Tatooine, fr...
This artist's illustration shows the Kepler planet-hunting telescope as it jettisons its dust cover, to open its sensitive camera eye on the cosmos. (Image credit: NASA/Ames/Caltech.) The hunt ison. The Kepler spacecraft opened to the universe this week and is getting setto search for ...
The final image from the Kepler Space Telescope has arrived. After nearly a decade of operation, NASA’s groundbreaking telescope ran out of fuel last year and was placed into permanent sleep on October 30. On September 25, the instrument captured one last image —a full view of the sky, ...
2. (Astronomy) any instrument, such as a radio telescope, for collecting, focusing, and detecting electromagnetic radiation from space vb 3. to crush together or be crushed together, as in a collision: the front of the car was telescoped by the impact. 4. to fit together like a set of...
NASA's Kepler Space Telescope Discovers Five Exoplanets NASA's Kepler space telescope, designed to find Earth-size planets in the habitable zone of sun-like stars, has discovered its first five new exoplanets, or planets beyond our solar system. Kepler's high sensitivity to both small and large...
space. The trace of this signal with time is shown in the lower right panel. On the left is the derived model for the lensing signal, involving multiple images of the star caused by the gravitational field of the planetary system. The system itself is not directly visible. Credi...
Researchers studying the Kepler data have caught three new and distant supernovae, and the dataset includes measurements taken before the violent explosions even happened. Known for its planet-hunting prowess and its unceasing gaze, the Kepler space telescope’s exquisitely precise and frequent observat...
When aplanetwhoseorbitis oriented in space such that it periodically passes between itsstarand atelescope, it transits the star and causes a drop in the brightness of the star. Transit observations reveal the sizes ofextrasolar planetsas well as their orbital periods.Radialvelocity data can be co...
1,284 Exoplanets Found: NASA's Kepler Space Telescope Discovery in Pictures $600 million: The cost of the Kepler planet-hunting mission at its launch in March 2009. 156,000: The number of stars in the constellations Lyra and Cygnus that the Kepler observatory is staring at 24 hours a day...