开普勒第二定律 Kepler's Second Law 以下为从百度以及Wikipedia词条中对于开普勒第二定律的定义: 太阳系中太阳和运动中的行星的连线(矢径)在相等的时间内扫过相等的面积[1] [1] 行星的运动.人民教育出版社-课程教材研究所-高中物理必修2 A Line joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas during ...
2)Second Kepler's Law开普勒第二定律 英文短句/例句 1.Kepler's second law means that a planet's orbital speed changes with its distance from the sun.开普勒第二定律指行星的轨道速度与其和太阳的距离。 2.The new Derivation for Third Law of Kepler开普勒第三定律表达式的一种新的推导方法 3.Kepler'...
Newton's second law牛顿第二定律 相似单词 Keplern. (在月球东北象限的)开普勒环形山(直径为35公里) keplern.(在月球东北象限的)开普勒环形山(直径为35公里) Weber('s)law韦伯定理 secondsecond 1 a. 1.第二的;第二次的 2.二等的,次等的 3.次要的;副的;从属的 4.另一的;附加的,另加的 5.隔一的...
law n. 1.[U]法律(体系) 2.[U]法规 3.[C](针对某项罪行、协议等的一条)法律,法规 4.[U]法学,法律学,律师业 5.法律机构 6.[C]规则,规章,条例 7.[C]良 LAW =Light Antitank Weapon 轻型反坦克武器 by law 地方法公司章程;细则,附则 Archimedes'law 阿基米德定律 law. 【缩写】 =lawyer ...
Physically, an integral is a conservation law; in the case of Newtonian mechanics the two integrals finds correspond to conservation of energy and angular momentum. Mathematically an integral reduces the number of dimensions.ELSEVIERPure and Applied Mathematics...
5) kepler's third law 开普勒第三定律 例句>> 6) Kepler[英]['keplə] [美]['kɛplɚ] 开普勒 1. Invariance ofKeplermotion; 开普勒运动的“不变性” 2. Keplerian Physical Astronomy in the Chongzhen Lishu; 《崇祯历书》中的开普勒物理天文学思想 ...
... kepler's laws 开普勒定律 kepler's second law 开普勒第二定律 kepler's third law 开普勒第三定律 ... bbs.gotohui.com|基于23个网页 2. 跟据开普勒第二定律 跟据开普勒第二定律(Kepler's Second Law), 面积 AOB = 面积 COD(1/2)(r1)²(Δθ1) = (1/2)(r2)²(Δθ2)(r1)²(Δ...
LAW 1: The orbit of a planet is an ellipse with the Sun's center of mass at one focus LAW 2: Planets sweep out equal areas in equal intervals of time LAW 3: The squares of the periods of the planets are proportional to the cubes of their distance to sun: Ta2 / Tb2 = Ra3 / Rb...
Synonyms for Kepler's second law in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Kepler's second law. 2 synonyms for Kepler's second law: law of areas, law of equal areas. What are synonyms for Kepler's second law?
Kepler's law of planetary motion开普勒行星运动定律 Kepler law【化】 开普勒定律 Kepler's laws开普勒定律 Kepler's equations开普勒方程 Kepler's nova开普勒新星 相似单词 Keplern. (在月球东北象限的)开普勒环形山(直径为35公里) keplern.(在月球东北象限的)开普勒环形山(直径为35公里) ...