We derive aglobal photometric calibration by placing the KIS magnitudes as close aspossible to the Kepler Input Catalog (KIC) photometry. The initial data releasecatalogue containing around 6 million sources from all the good photometricfields is available for download from the KIS webpage, as well...
When pass in a theme object Kepler.gl will use the value passed as input to override values from theme.Read more about Custom ThememapboxApiUrl (String, optional)Default: https://api.mapbox.com If you are using your own mapbox tile server, you can pass in your own tile server api ...
D.W.L. led reconnaissance spectroscopy, stellar classification and the preparation of the Kepler Input Catalog. E.L. modelled the interior structure and mass–radius relations of the planets. S.McC. wrote software to manage and archive pixel and flux time series data. N.M. modelled the ...
When pass in a theme object Kepler.gl will use the value passed as input to override values from theme.Read more about Custom ThememapboxApiUrl (String, optional)Default: https://api.mapbox.com If you are using your own mapbox tile server, you can pass in your own tile server api ...
When pass in a theme object Kepler.gl will use the value passed as input to override values from theme.Read more about Custom ThememapboxApiUrl (String, optional)Default: https://api.mapbox.com If you are using your own mapbox tile server, you can pass in your own tile server api ...
When pass in a theme object Kepler.gl will use the value passed as input to override values from theme.Read more about Custom ThememapboxApiUrl (String, optional)Default: https://api.mapbox.com If you are using your own mapbox tile server, you can pass in your own tile server api ...
When pass in a theme object Kepler.gl will use the value passed as input to override values from theme.Read more about Custom ThememapboxApiUrl (String, optional)Default: https://api.mapbox.com If you are using your own mapbox tile server, you can pass in your own tile server api ...
When pass in a theme object Kepler.gl will use the value passed as input to override values from theme.Read more about Custom ThememapboxApiUrl (String, optional)Default: https://api.mapbox.com If you are using your own mapbox tile server, you can pass in your own tile server api ...
When pass in a theme object Kepler.gl will use the value passed as input to override values from theme.Read more about Custom ThememapboxApiUrl (String, optional)Default: https://api.mapbox.com If you are using your own mapbox tile server, you can pass in your own tile server api ...
When pass in a theme object Kepler.gl will use the value passed as input to override values from theme.Read more about Custom ThememapboxApiUrl (String, optional)Default: https://api.mapbox.com If you are using your own mapbox tile server, you can pass in your own tile server api ...