'koi_disposition' - The disposition in the literature towards this exoplanet candidate. One of CANDIDATE, FALSE POSITIVE, NOT DISPOSITIONED or CONFIRMED (i.e., likelihood that a given exoplanet is a true planet) Resources Exoplanet Data Source Scikit-Learn Tutorial Part 1 Scikit-Learn Tutorial ...
exoplanet orbits/ A0130R Reviews and tutorial papersresource letters A9785N Extrasolar planetary dimensions A9785C Extrasolar planetary motionNumerous telescopes and techniques have been used to find and study extrasolar planets, but none has been more successful than NASA's Kepler space telescope. ...
Bibliography, General or Review/ extrasolar planetary dimensions extrasolar planetary motion reviews/ NASA Kepler space telescope data extrasolar planetary science planet sizes exoplanet orbits/ A0130R Reviews and tutorial papers resource letters A9785N Extrasolar planetary dimensions A9785C Extrasolar planetar...
8205/713/2/L79 is OK - 10.1086/676406 is OK - 10.1117/1.JATIS.1.1.014003 is OK - 10.21105/joss.02347 is OK MISSING DOIs - 10.3847/1538-4365/abe70e may be a valid DOI for title: Allesfitter: Flexible Star and Exoplanet Inference From Photometry and Radial Velocity INVALID DOIs - ...