The existence of land for human life is a complete and inseparable unity. Land is a basic need for humans in life in the world. The closeness of human relations with territory makes territory a very valuable asset for human life. To improve the quality of human life, devel...
Agussalim Nasution : Standar Kepentingan Umum Dalam Permohonan Kepailitan Oleh Kejaksaan Menurut..., 2008 USU e-Repository 2008 Therefore, in order to find out about the standard public interest which is considered to be the orientation for the District Auttorney office in filing the petition ...
The results of the study state that the Normative Juridical Study of compensation in land acquisition for the Public Interest is in the procedure for implementing land acquisition which is regulated in Law Number 2 of 2012 that the assessment of compensation is carried out base...
Musyawarah Dalam Penentuan Ganti Kerugian Bagi Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Untuk Kepentingan UmumJudge’s ConsiderationCriminal ActsChildLand acquisition is an activity to provide land for development in the public interest. The implementation of land acquisition is carried out based on Law Number 2 of ...