由首席执行官 Kim Hong-yeon 领导的 KEPCO KPS 已在南非获得了价值约 8500 亿韩元的电厂维护合同。KEPCO KPS签署了一项协议,维护南非电力公司ESKOM拥有的16座火力发电站和核电站,总金额为8480亿韩元。从 2023 年 10 月开始,维护工作将持续三年多的时间。在南非市场,KEPCO KPS此前签订了2021年约1700亿韩元的...
Kepco fetches $144m via KPS selldown.The article reports on the 152.14 billion won (144 million dollars) that was raised by Korea Electric Power Corp. following the sale of a 7% interest in its subsidiary, Kepco Plant Service and Engineering (KPS), on December 3, 2013....