www.youtube.com kenzie本名Mackenzie Frances Ziegler(麦肯齐·弗朗西斯·齐格勒),14岁时的MV~ B站貌似没有,查缺补漏,字幕已补上~ 版权归原作者所有,如有侵权,请联系删除! 字幕制作者(中文(中国)): 打打打耳蚊ノ 欧美音乐 音乐 音乐综合 欧美MV MV Kenzie 全高清 1080P 外挂字幕 ...
Kenzie Ziegler is all grown up and ready to rock! The 18-year-old singer is telling ET's Cassie DiLaura all about her new single, ‘100 Degrees,’ and what her boyfriend, Tacoda Dubbs, thinks about it! Plus, Kenzie is taking a surprise trip down me