#59inOverall RankingsNo Change in Rank from 2023 Credit Overview ofKenya Capital Nairobi Region Africa GDP Per Capita, PPP $6,324 GDP $107 billion Population 55,100,586 Area 580,367 SQ.KM When Kenya claimed its independence from the U.K. in 1963, leaders of the newly formed republic pro...
The ministry noted that it expects the country's GDP to grow by 6.4 percent in 2020/2021 and 7 percent in 2022/2023. "This growth will be supported by a pickup in agricultural and manufacturing activities underpinned by improved weather conditions, stable macroeconomic environment, ongoing public...
In macroeconomic terms, Kenya’s total exported goods represent 2.1% of its overall Gross Domestic Product for 2023 ($340.3 billion valued in Purchasing Power Parity US dollars). That 2.1% for exports to overall GDP in PPP for 2023 compares to 2.4% for 2022. Those percentages suggest a relat...
Kenya’s debt-to-GDP ratio rose from 49.5% in June 2012 to 69.1% by the end of the second quarter of the 2022/23 financial year,19.1% more than the IMF’s recommended threshold of 50%. Kenya’s public debt mix in the last decade has seen a rise in external loans while domestic bo...
Those counties that are likely to be hardest hit are those whose GDP growth rates are below the Sub-Saharan Africa average, the report notes. The likely impact of coronavirus on African economies can be gauged through tourism, trade and transport sect...
This situation alsohinders Africa’s economic development potential, where weak electricity networks cost some countries up to 4% of their GDP, according to the World Bank. READ MORENigeria: How realistic is the energy transition plan launched by Osinbajo?
s general election, helped by faster GDP growth and improving global oil prices that could spur local exploration and production. Available data shows key indicators such as cement production and consumption, and the value of approved building plans, improved significantly in the first eight months ...
Growth in this sphere is expected to increase the number of jobs, the income of the workers, and the country’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product). The 2010 constitution created Counties and gave them the capacity to establish and carry out their development strategies. This new dispensation is ...