Under the Konnect School program, children aged between 5 and 15 take various online classes, including literature, mathematics, culture and arts. "I like this kind of distance learning. It is very different from going to classes at school. I have learned a lo...
Beyond the ethnic balancing, Kenya has also coup-proofed by keeping the generals wealthy and OUT OF POLITICS – at least not overtly. The generals in Kenya are probably some of the wealthiest on the Continent. I went to high school with the son of an Air Force Major General whose family ...
The same teacher taught the same physics content to all three classes using one of two teaching methods, namely: (1) the traditional mode and (2) the CBI mode. Selected students and their teacher were observed and interviewed. The qualitative data analysis methods of comparison and clustering ...
(49%) were girls. While there were slightly more boys than girls in the upper classes (grades 5–8), differences were not significant, with a male to female ratio on average 1:1. The median pupil population in the schools was 383 (range 154–1107), with a median of 185 for girls ...