On Kenyan Election Day, Limited Violence and High TurnoutMillions of Kenyans lined up under the burning equatorial sun Monday to vote in the country's most complicated and expensive ballot since it gained its independence from Britain 50 years ago.Pflanz, Mike...
The holiday formally marks the date of the country’s admittance in 1964 into the Commonwealth as a republic and takes its name from the Swahili word jamhuri (“republic”); December 12 is also the date when Kenya obtained its independence from Great Britain in 1963. Under British rule since...
His critics called him a dictator for his authoritarian style, although Moi enjoyed strong support from many Kenyans and was seen as a unifying figure when he took over after the death of Jomo Kenyatta, who had led the country following its independence from Britain in 1963. Some of Kenyatta...
The invasion of Somalia is the most significant foreign deployment of the Kenyan military since independence from Britain in 1963. Sir Edward Clay, the former British High Commissioner to Kenya, told Channel 4 News that Nairobi’s move was probably “more a matter of self preservation, than as ...
Secretly moved to Britain prior to Kenyan independence in 1963, these papers detail the extent and nature of British brutality during this time. They formed the linchpin of a legal case between Kenyan claimants detained during the ... Katherine Bruce-Lockhart - 《Africa the Journal of the Inter...
Kenyan Americans celebrate Good Friday, Easter Monday, and Christmas Day along with American holidays such as New Year's Day, Labor Day, and other secular holidays. Specific Kenyan holidays include the anniversary of the country's independence (December 12) and Kenyatta Day (October 20), which ...
In aletterfromNovemberof1965, theKSUmadean appealto theMinistryof EducationinKenyafor pecuniaryandmaterialsupportto fundastringof eventscelebratingthesecondanniversaryof Kenyan nationalindependence.Theymadetheircaseon the groundsthat:“Thematterof facts[sic]is that,KSU representsan imageofKenyainthe frontline...
THE KENYAN bowed his head as his captors opened the prison cell door to deliver another brutal whipping -- a punishment meted out after he was accused of taking part in the independence movement against the British colonial authorities. The man had been working as a cook for a British Ar...
“The second happy moment of our visit is to participate in celebration your independence from Britain on 26th June 1960.” “This auspicious occasion is of great significance not just to the people of Somaliland but also to all of us, Somali Speaking people’s. It marks the day when the ...
The announcement comes amid some of Kenya's worst violence since independence from Britain in 1963. International observers pronounced the presidential election seriously flawed, and the allegations of rigging have sparked violence across the country. Officials say at least 250,000 people have fled thei...