"(This is) a big lesson to rugby players and women coming for rugby. First, these rugby players are full of pride when they become stars. They suddenly become disrespectful almost to everyone; the ladies are the most affected. They think every woman liking them is out to have sex with ...
"Training at an elevated altitude that is energy sapping will help Chinese athletes handle grueling races at home and in foreign countries with ease," he remarked. Zhang Guowei led the team of six athletes from China that included the famous male marathoner, Dong Guojian and female long-distanc...
on Friday evening, 12th March 2004, at the first floor lounge of The Stanley Hotel. Michael Mundia Kamau Addendum: In my report of 24th February 2004 I indicated that I had either spoken or met Mr. Pulin Shah and Dr. Brian Peter Harrop on roughly nine occasions between 9th January 2004 ...
First, data were transformed to meet the normality assumptions, usually to the natural log (ln). The square root was used for serum iron and plasma vitamin B-12. Only hemoglobin and copper were analyzed without transformation. Because the four intervention groups had significantly different ...
Kamunu’s “tip-less” lioness was the area’s first to be collared. The warriors used to take the name of the first lion they killed, but now they gave the lions names. The one who found the lion got to name it, and Kamunu called his tip-less lioness “Nosieki” after a bush...
Key Contribution: This is the first report of multiple and co-contamination with mycotoxins in rice, a staple crop to many people in sub-Saharan Africa. It is anticipated that this report will create awareness for rice growers, traders, consumers, extension staff, and policy makers, as this ...