And, true, Africa was doing just fine until white man came in, colonised the continent and started slaughtering its wildlife. The corrupt continent that Africa subsequently became is largely a nasty hangover from these colonial times, with contemporary African leaders taking after the examples of th...
A susceptible unvaccinated individual in age group i becomes colonised with VTs, strong NVTs or weak NVTs at age-group-specific time-dependent rates (forces of infection) denoted by λVi(t), λNsi(t) and λNwi(t), respectively. The forces of infection were expressed as functions of the ...
Her argument that this memory determines how knowledge is collected and represented to those in the West, through their filters and back to the colonised, is useful for our approach (Tuhiwai-Smith 2013, pp. 1–2). We are also influenced by Thambinathan and Kinsella (2021, pp. 1–2),...