Starting on the night of 24thAugust 2019 all the way to 31stAugust 2019, Kenya will hold its sixth edition of the population census since attaining independence, with other similar activities having been held in 1969, 1979, 1989, 1999 and 2009. A population census is basically the process of...
Marsabit County has a maternal mortality ratio of 811/100,000 live births compared to the national estimate of 355/100,000, as per the 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census [11]. According to the 2022 Kenya Demographic Health Survey (KDHS) 2022, 66% of Kenyan women had ANC 4+ ...
The annual population estimate for all the people and for children under five years at the three market towns was sourced from Kenya National Census Survey Report of 2019. This age group was assumed to make up approximately 13% of the total population of the three market towns as per the ...
Kenya is in the East Africa region with a total population of 47.6 million, based on its 2019 census, and has an inter-censual growth rate of 2.2% [24]. The average population density was 82 per square kilometre (sq. km) and was highly variable at the sub-national (county) level ran...
Forrest R. StevensAndrea E. GaughanCatherine LinardAndrew J. Tatem
Kenya National Bureau of Statistics. (2019).2019 Kenya population and housing census: Volume IV distribution of population by socio-economic characteristics. Nairobi. Google Scholar Kresse, K. (2010). Muslim politics in postcolonial Kenya: Negotiating knowledge on the double-periphery. InIslam, politi... accessed 17 May 2020 Google Scholar 10. Ministry of Health. Kenya Master Health Facility List Ministry of Health Available from: (2020)...
The Census and Survey Processing System DBS: Dried Blood Spot DIC: Drop-In Centre FSW: Female Sex Worker HAPA Kenya: The HIV & AIDS People’s Alliance of Kenya HIV: Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus HIVST: HIV Self-Test HTS: HIV Testing Services ID: Identification KP: Key Popula...
2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census, young people constitute the largest segment of the population of 47.5 million in Kenya. 19.5 million of the population are classified as poor, with 14 million, 1.3 million, and 4.2 million living in rural areas, peri-urban and core-urban and informal ...
Government of Kenya.: Distribution of population administrative units. In: 2019 Kenya population and housing census. Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, vol. II., (2019) Corrado, S., Sala, S.: Bio-economy contribution to circular economy. In: Benetto, E., Gericke, K., Guiton, M. (eds...