Starting on the night of 24thAugust 2019 all the way to 31stAugust 2019, Kenya will hold its sixth edition of the population census since attaining independence, with other similar activities having been held in 1969, 1979, 1989, 1999 and 2009. A population census is basically the process of...
In: 2019 Kenya population and housing census. Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, vol. II., (2019) Corrado, S., Sala, S.: Bio-economy contribution to circular economy. In: Benetto, E., Gericke, K., Guiton, M. (eds.) Designing sustainable technologies, products and policies: from ...
Marsabit County has a maternal mortality ratio of 811/100,000 live births compared to the national estimate of 355/100,000, as per the 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census [11]. According to the 2022 Kenya Demographic Health Survey (KDHS) 2022, 66% of Kenyan women had ANC 4+ ...
The survey used a multistage probability sampling by region (e.g., urban versus rural), household, and sex and age groups of the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, Fifth National Sample Surveys and Evaluation Programme (NASSEP V) generated from Kenya’s 2009 Population Housing Census (Kenya ...
The data used in this study comes from the Kenya Population and Housing census Data, 2009. In this study, we show how to compute Socio-economic index in households. A Poisson regression model is implemented to explore the relationship between disability count in households and the socio-economic...
Excluding nine people accounting for children under the age of three and other non-responses from the 2019 population census, 38 are in school or learning; 23 have completed; 15 dropped out of formal school before completion while another 15 never went. ...
KNBS. 2019 KENYA POPULATION AND HOUSING CENSUS. Naiorobi, 2020. KNBS. 2014 Demographic and Health Survey: Key Indicators., 2015. KNBS. 2014 Demographic and Health Survey., 2015. Willan AR, Briggs AH. Power and sample size determination. Stat Anal Cost-effectiveness Data 2006:93–116. UCL...
2019 Kenya population and housing census volume I: population by county and sub-county KNBS (2020) Available from: accessed 17 May 2020 Google Scholar 10. Ministry of Healt...
Kenya National Bureau of Statistics Kenya Population and Housing Census Nairobi, Kenya (2019) Accessed on 2.1.2020 from Google Scholar [24] R.A. Krueger Designing and conducting focus group interviews Conference Proceedi...
Kenya Population and Housing Census, young people constitute the largest segment of the population of 47.5 million in Kenya. 19.5 million of the population are classified as poor, with 14 million, 1.3 million, and 4.2 million living in rural areas, peri-urban and core-urban and informal ...