Posted:29 April, 2024|Author:AfricLaw|Filed under:William Aseka|Tags:depression,evil spiritual forces,Father John Pesa,Kenya,mental disability,mental health,national disaster,Pastor Paul Mackenzie,prayer camps,Private Pentecostal churches,Prophet Owour,pyschosocial disabilities,religious retreats,Shakahola Ma...
IRI and NDI are two of four core NED institutions. IRI and NDI were incorporated by the leaders of the Republican and Democratic National Committees respectively, pursuant to the legislation establishing the National Endowment for Democracy as private organization, with a bipartisan board and Congressio...
Full size image This approach is also closely aligned with the nuances and complexities that shape future pastoral livelihood pathways and other options in the ASALs. The focus on pastoral livelihood vulnerability and risk, alongside opportunities arising from integration into the national economy, is ...
However, the national policy planning makes allocation of live saving services on the basis that all avoidable deaths are averted and therefore services, such as LLINs, will not and should not be discounted on the basis on anticipated neonatal deaths. To ensure that all uncertainties are ...
A total of 147 people were killed Thursday, according to the official Twitter account of Kenya’s National Disaster Operation Centre and Kenyan media reports. The agency also said 79 people were injured and 587 people were evacuated. gallery ...
Cont. Local communities Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries Media Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Ministry of Information, Communications and Technology National Drought Management Authority National Disaster Operations Centre National Environment Management Authority Non-governmental ...
NDMA The National Drought Management Authority of Kenya ERA5 European Centre for Medium range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) Re-Analysis Dataset precip Precipitation e Evaporation pev Potential Evaporation swvl{1, …, 4} Soil Water Volume Level 1 (0 cm–7 cm), 2 (7 cm–29 cm), 3 (29 cm–...
To increase the countries’ resilience to climate impacts, international actors (e.g., UNEP or the World Bank Group) have played a key role in supporting the development of climate change and disaster management policies of Kenya, through funding and the technical assistance of sub-national and ...
hydrology Case Report Infilling Monthly Rain Gauge Data Gaps with Satellite Estimates for ASAL of Kenya William Githungo *, Silvery Otengi, Jacob Wakhungu and Edward Masibayi Department of Disaster Management & Sustainable Development, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, P.O. Box...