Physical Address:Chogoria Girls High Schoolis located near Chogoria Market, Chogoria Sub Location, Chogoria Location, Mwimbi Division, Maara Sub-County Tharaka Nithi, County, Kenya Town, Kenya County: Tharaka Nithi County Postal Address: P.O. Box 76 Chogoria, Kenya Telephone number: 064-22008...
Australian High Commission in Nairobi, Kenya Riverside Drive, (400 mtrs off Chiromo Road), (Postal Add: PO Box 39341), Nairobi, Kenya, Postal address: P.O. Box 39341-00623, Nairobi, KenyaCITY Nairobi PHONE (254-20) 427 7100 FAX...
Kenya Medical Training College Kilifi Campus is located in Kilifi town, 62km north of Mombasa along the Mombasa-Malindi Highway. It is within the District’s Headquarters and borders the Kilifi district Hospital at KEMRI. (Kenya Medical Research Institute). P.O. BOX 95, Kilifi 80108 Tel:...
Planning a trip to Kenya is a pleasure in itself: the country is so versatile that it’s virtually a blank canvas, catering equally for the thrill-seekers and sun-seekers, budget backpackers and high-end rollers, those who like it tough and those who just want to get going. Whatever you...
Well, yes and no. I found the beginning and end to be the toughest. Both because there are so many high emotions flying around, excitement and fear of the unexpected. The time went faster when we had trips planned to see each other. I think at one point there was only three or four...