TS-890SNEWThe most rewarding results often take place when faced with the harshest and most challenging conditions. There are enthusiasts who know this all too well because of their love of DX. KENWOOD has the answer. Achieve results through certainty and not circumstance. Delivered through ...
高价丶回收KENWOOD健伍 TS-890S TS-890D短波电台 价格 ¥ 6688.00 ¥ 6688.00 起订数 1台起批 1台起批 发货地 广东深圳 商品类型 机械设备 、 电子产品制造设备 、 其他电子产品制造设备 商品关键词 回收、 仪器、 工控、 实验设备、 机械设备 ...
TS-890SNEW The most rewarding results often take place when faced with the harshest and most challenging conditions. There are enthusiasts who know this all too well because of their love of DX. KENWOOD has the answer. Achieve results through certainty and not circumstance. Delivered through impe...
SP-890NEW External Speaker The SP-890 has a design that matches the TS- 890S, and achieves a frequency response with good intelligibility. Through the use of high-cut and low-cut filters, the receive sound is at a basic setting that allows the adjustment of its timbre to suit your ...
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Portable Radios TH-D75A 144 / 220 / 430 MHz TRIBANDER Base Stations TS-990S HF/50MHz Transceiver TS-890S HF/50MHz Transceiver TS-590SG HF/50MHz TransceiverGo to Top About Us Find Stores/Service Promotions Contact Us Terms of Use Privacy Policy Sitemap Global Site...
广东 深圳市光明新区 ¥732.00 高价丶回收KENWOOD健伍 TS-890S TS-890D短波电台 深圳市光明区东晟二手电子设备厂6年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市光明新区 kenwood短波电台价格信息不够给力?没有找到优质kenwood短波电台批发/采购信息?马上发布询价单...
高价丶回收KENWOOD健伍 TS-890S TS-890D短波电台 ¥ 6688.00 /台 回收,仪器,工控,实验设备,机械设备 立即拨号 建伍KENWOOD TK-3118对讲机民用大功率耐用商业无线手台机 ¥ 800.00 /台 建伍对讲机,TK,3118,大功率对讲机,50信道,可背景照明 立即拨号 加热新款欧洲进口KENWOOD凯伍德KCL95厨师机多功能揉面机...
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